Naming your baby can be challenging if you don’t know what you’re looking for or where to begin. We’ve compiled a list of the most popular Armenian names and their meanings to show you a range of gorgeous and rich options to consider for your newborn!
As you learn about these traditional Armenian names for boys and girls, you’ll notice that many are unisex. This might make landing on the ideal choice for your little one much easier when you can focus on the meaning rather than gender specifics.
So get excited to be one step closer to picking the cutest Armenian name for your baby-to-be!
100 Popular Armenian Names for Boys and Girls
Learn all there is to know about the most popular Armenian names, their meanings, and more!
Adis is an appealing and joyful name that could easily describe this occasion. It means “good news,” which celebrates a happy time for you and your family. Adis has the same style as Aden, so it might be a welcomed new option for a boy.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Good news
Aghavni has a gorgeous, exotic ring to it. It means “dove,” which feels comforting and special. Doves are symbolic of peace. Aghavni may reflect a sense of tranquility that might be present once your baby arrives safe and sound.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Dove
Alidz is an Armenian spin on Alice. It has a happy meaning of “merry” or “joy.” Expecting a baby is a reason to be in good spirits and Alidz is a spectacular name to represent your emotions. Ali is a cute pet name for Alidz.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Merry, joy
- Variations: Alice
Almasd is a stunning Armenian girl name with an elegance that’s hard to duplicate. It stands for “diamond.” Almasd could capture your baby girl’s shiny and bright personality the day you finally look into her sparkling eyes. Ali might be an adorable nickname for Almasd.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Diamond
Anoush is a darling name with Armenian roots. It is defined as “sweet,” which makes an affectionate choice for a little girl. Anoush is also the name of a well-loved Armenian opera that embraced the culture and music of its people and became a staple of the country’s arts history. Its meaning and musical success could make Anoush a trailblazing choice for your girl.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Sweet
- Variations: Anush, Anoosh
Arev is a unisex name that is more commonly used for girls. Its Armenian definition is “sun.” The warm and fuzzy feelings you’ll get from the sight of your gorgeous girl can be summarized by Arev. Arev makes the best option for a summer-born baby or one who comes on a particularly sunny day.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Sun
Arman is an inspiring name that might make any child feel special. Meaning “will” or “purpose,” Arman may symbolize your new baby being a driving force in your life. It’s a strong and determined choice that could be great for your son or daughter. Arman is also the prefix for some stunning variants that you could consider as well.
- Origin: Armenian, Persian, Russian, German
- Meaning: Will, purpose
- Variations: Armando, Armani
Astine could make a bold impact on its recipient as it has the most heartwarming meaning. It stands for “the beautiful,” a strong statement to let your daughter know she is a precious being. If you want to express your adoration for your little one, Astine could do the trick.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: The beautiful
Azat is lively and daring as it challenges one to be boundless. It means being “free,” which is something you may hope your child always gets to experience. Azat might be an example to your baby that life should be lived happily and carefree.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Free
Bagrat is affectionate and spiritual, as it means “gift of God.” It might make a validating choice for a baby if ever they were unsure of how much they meant to you. Bagrat could be a true reflection of your love for your little one.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Gift of God
Barig has a free-spirited way about it with its charming meaning. It stands for “fairy,” a mythical being that is commonly mentioned in fairytales. If you want to sprinkle a bit of magic into your girl’s life, name her Barig.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Fairy
- Variations: Parig
Barkev has a lot of bite with its interesting spelling, but it’s really a gracious name. Meaning “gift,” Barkev has an affectionate nature that says your little one is a sweet reward. Bark might be a quirky and playful pet name for Barkev.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Gift
Bartev is a unique and charming name that might describe a dashing little boy. It means “tall” and could easily be a fun way to acknowledge a baby who has a surprising height at birth. Bartev has a playful nature that might also remind your boy to laugh at life sometimes. You could even call him Bart for short.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Tall
Berg has a hip and trendy sound. It means “superb,” “luxurious,” or “abundant.” If you believe in manifestation, naming your son Berg could be a form of attracting positive things and experiences into your baby’s life.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Superb, luxurious, abundant
Berjouhi might be unusual to most, but it has a regal charm. It means “elegant lady,” which makes this a classy Armenian name for girls. Berjouhi could be a little tough to pronounce for some, so a pet name like “Bee” may be cute.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Elegant lady
Carine has a familiar meaning that might make you gravitate towards using it for your daughter. Defined as a “friend,” Carine has a traditional touch that is quite inviting for a new baby. Nothing else says you’re happy to have someone around than calling them your companion, which Carine will grow to be in no time.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Friend
- Variations: Carin, Carina, Corinne
Christapor is derived from Christopher, which has a religious meaning of “Christ-bearer.” It represents believers of the Christian faith who spread the word of Christ. Christapor could be a powerful selection to introduce your son to spirituality. Chris is the usual nickname for Christapor.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Christ-bearer
- Variations: Christopher
Cohar is unique but dazzling. It stands for “gem” or “jewel.” Surely your baby girl is already the most invaluable thing in your life, so Cohar might be fitting. CoCo is a lovely and playful nickname that could make Cohar feel like a winner.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Gem, jewel
Dalita has a striking appearance and exotic sound that is full of Armenian pride. It means “virgin” or “pure,” which is relevant to a baby and their innocence. New life is curious and unknowing, and naming your daughter Dalita might suggest that you want to share only the truest information with her.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Pure, virgin
Davit is an Armenian take on David. It stands for “beloved” or “loved by God.” Davit can provide a level of affection you won’t find in any other name to express a deep affinity for your child. Davit feels fresh and new, which is right on track for a baby boy who is due soon.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Beloved, loved by God
- Variations: David, Davide
Diran is a spirited Armenian name for boys. It could be a stunning religious pick for a family who has strong faith and plans to baptize their baby. Diran is a holy name that might symbolize your son being one with the Lord.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Derived from God
Dirouhi is a proud name for any little girl to have. It means “princess” or “lady,” which may make your baby feel like the most royal girl around. Dirouhi can be shortened to Rou (rue) as a nickname.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Princess, lady
Dzovig has a cool vibe that is captured in its meaning of “small ocean.” Oceans are typically vast and wide, but this definition may suggest to others that you consider this tiny baby to be your whole world. Dzovig is a deep, stunning, and profound option should you use it for your child.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Small ocean
Eshkhan feels prestigious and for good reason. It’s defined as a “prince” which might have your baby boy ready to take on the world. Eshkhan is a strong, traditional name that embraces the continuance of your lineage.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Prince
Gadar is authentically Armenian with its traditional spelling and sound. It’s often given to girls but can be used for both genders. Gadar means “summit” or “peak,” which can express the birth of your baby being the highest point of your life. If you want to show your baby just how much they mean to you, name them Gadar.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Summit, peak
Gagik is unique and a bit uncommon, but its meaning makes up for that. It stands for “prince,” which may be a sweet nod to your baby-to-be. Gagik could tell your son that you’re happy to pass the baton and teach him how to run life’s race.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Prince
Galiis a rare but special name in all its simplicity. It means “arrival,” which aligns well with a baby on the way. Gali could be the perfect name to announce that your daughter is here.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Arrival
Gasia makes for a charming name that can be used for any baby but presents more for a girl. Its meaning of “cinnamon tree” might instantly remind you of the pungent aroma that is unforgettable. You might hope your baby girl or boy has that kind of lasting impression on those they encounter, making Gasia a powerful pick for your child.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Cinnamon tree
- Variations: Gacia
Garo has an alluring and unique quality that makes it an attractive option for a baby boy. It stands for “looming” or “desire.” Garo could exemplify a sense of satisfaction now that you’ve received your long-awaited baby boy.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Looming, desire
Gateel has a spiritual appeal that ties into its meaning. Defined as a “raindrop,” Gateel can be thought of as a sign of cleansing, which takes shape in the form of new life. Gateel could also commemorate the weather on the day your baby is born.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Raindrop
Gor is short but impactful as it has a strong meaning. Defined as “brave” or “proud,” Gor might make an uplifting name for a baby boy. Gor could also be a great middle name if you prefer a longer first name.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Brave, proud
- Variations: Gordon
Haig has a unique appearance and funny meaning. It stands for “giant man,” which could be the right name for a baby that tips the scales at birth. Haig may symbolize that you’ll have a sports player in the making.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Giant man
Hasmig is a beautiful, nature-related name that would embrace your new baby girl. It’s defined as “jasmine,” which is a well-known and very pretty flower. Hasmig could be a reminder of your sweet and delicate baby girl.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Jasmine
Haverj has a deep and spiritual meaning that may touch your soul. It’s known as “eternal,” which we understand as lasting without an end. Though life is short, a name like Haverj might express that your love for your baby girl will outlive you both. Haverj stands to be a bold and affectionate choice for a parent to a child.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Eternal
Hayk has a cool vibe and almost sounds like the football term “hike,” so if you’re a sports fan, it might be worth considering. Hayk actually comes from the founder of Armenia, Hayk the Great. It’s a strong and traditional name that may represent your boy leaving an important mark on the world.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Hayk the Great
Hoki is rare and underrated for its beauty. It stands for “soul” or “spirit.” Hoki has a wholesomeness that is comforting and could make you feel even more connected to your baby should you use it for his or her name.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Soul, spirit
Hooys marches to the beat of its own drum with its sound and look, but its meaning is positive. It’s defined as “hope,” which might speak to how a desire for your baby to always remain optimistic. Hooys is rare but powerful and who doesn’t want that in a name?
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Hope
Houri has a fierceness that will make it hard to forget. It represents “flames” in Armenian, a strong way to tell your child to give life all she’s got. Houri almost sounds like hooray, which could make this a good, celebratory name.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Flames
Husik has inspired and wondrous energy that can be found in its meaning. Defined as “hope,” Husik can be an excellent name to encourage open-mindedness as your baby takes on life. Huey could be an adorable pet name for a little boy named Husik.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Hope
Isgouhi is a beautiful name that has an unusual style to most. Its meaning of “authentic woman” is feminine and proud that it might encourage your daughter to always put her best foot forward. Issy (Izzy) could be a lovely nickname for Isgouhi.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Authentic woman
Jalal is of Arabic origin and has a spiritual and adoring meaning. It is defined as “greatness” or “glory,” a fearless statement, if any. Jalal could express the life you envision for your son, one that’s rich and filled with all good things.
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: Greatness, glory
Jarbig is a lovable name as it is sure to boost your baby’s ego. Meaning “clever” or “able,” Jarbig could symbolize your child’s brilliant mind. He’ll believe he has the capacity to do anything if you choose to name him Jarbig.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Clever, able
Jebid has a funky sound and an upbeat meaning that makes it quite unique. It is known as “smile.” You’ll be doing a great deal of smiling once your little one is born, Jebid could beautifully acknowledge that.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Smile
Kachig almost sounds like the term used when you’ve won a large sum of money. In Armenian, Kachig stands for “brave,” which could be the best motivator when your kid is in need of some encouragement.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Brave
- Variations: Kachik, Khatchig
Kaloosh has a strong Armenian presence with its look and sound. It stands for “blessed event” or “Pentecost.” Kaloosh might be an ideal name for a spiritual family or one who feels that this experience is heavenly.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Blessed event, Pentecost
Karoun is a cheerful name that has a specific meaning. It stands for “Spring season.” The blossoming of new plants and flowers can be synonymous with the birth of new life. Karoun could do a wonderful job of highlighting the pending arrival of your baby.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Spring season
- Variations: Karoon
Kegham takes the cake for affection and charm as it has a lovable meaning. It’s known as “beauty” in Armenian, which can be used to acknowledge your baby’s good looks. Kegham could make a sweet and adoring pick for any boy or girl.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Beauty
Kero is a delicate and spiritual name that has the sweetest meaning. It’s defined as “angel” or “cherub,” which are known as guides or a source of spiritual protection. Soon enough, you’ll be holding your baby in your arms and his presence will feel heavenly, making Kero a potentially perfect choice.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Angel, cherub
Khajag is quite unique, but that’s balanced out by its pleasant definition. Meaning “blue-eyed,” Khajag could be a nice choice for a baby who has mesmerizing eyes. Jag is a spunky nickname that could work well for Khajag. It is worth noting here that babies can be born with blue eyes that later change to brown.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Blue-eyed
Lala is not just a moniker, it happens to be a rather fun Armenian female name. Lala means “doll,” a toy that is famously associated with young girls. It may also convey how you’ll view your princess as too cute for words and a pleasure to style.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Doll
Lelag has a peculiar spelling that is overshadowed by its beautiful definition. It means “lilac,” which is a lovely shade of purple that got its name from a flower of the same color. Lelag could be a vibrant option if you like free-spirited names. Lele or Lela are suitable pet names for Lelag.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Lilac
Levon has a mighty energy with its meaning of “lion.” It’s a masculine choice that truly embraces your baby being a boy. Levon could be a driving force for your son when he’s feeling discouraged. Lee is a charming pet name for Levon.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Lion
Lousin is the Armenian version of Lucille. Its meaning of “moon” offers serene energy like the still of the night. Lousin could be a swell pick for a baby girl born on a moonlit evening. Lou is a super cute pet name for Lousin.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Moon
- Variations: Lousine, Lucine, Lusine, Lucille, Lucy, Lucia
Manough has a gentleness that might pull at your heartstrings. Defined as “child” or “infant,” Manough was made to show value in this beautiful phase of life. Manny is an adorable moniker for Manough.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Child, infant
- Variations: Manon, Manoah, Mano
Maral is a gender-neutral choice that means “deer” in Armenian. Deer symbolize a gentle quality that might be reminiscent of a young child. Maral may be a strong choice to remind your little one to keep being themselves no matter what.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Deer
Margarid is a variant of Margaret, a popular, yet old-fashioned girl name. It’s defined as “pearl,” which has a precious quality that people value. Naming your sweet girl Margarid could remind her of her worth. Maggie is a go-to nickname for Margarid.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Pearl
- Variations: Markarid, Markid, Margaret
Mayis is a stunning name with a formal meaning. Representing the “month of May,” Mayis has a mature and charming nature that could serve a gorgeous little girl well. Should you have a May or Spring due date, Mayis might be the likely choice for your daughter.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Month of May
- Variations: May, Maya, Maia
Meghety sounds like a step up from the overused Meghan. It is a gorgeous, international name for girls that might have you singing its praises. Meghety is defined as “melody,” which is on target to describe your baby’s first cry as music to your ears. It would only be right to call your sweet girl Meg for short.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Melody
- Variations: Melody, Melodie
Melik has a lot of masculine appeal for its charming, Armenian definition. It stands for “prince” or “king,” which are both high honors to receive. Whether or not your family has royal ties, Melik still makes a promising name for a baby boy with a bright future.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Prince, king
- Variations: Malik
Movses is an Armenian variant of Moses. Though it means “delivered from water,” we know Moses as a prophet. Movses definition and connection to the spiritual figure make it a humble choice. The uncommon spelling adds an element of uniqueness and should you be planning a water birth, Movses might shine as the right name for your little one.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Delivered from water
- Variations: Moses, Moises
Murad is a whimsical name that has so much charm. Murad means “wish,” which might symbolize your baby as being a dream come true for you. Here’s some cool trivia, Murad is a well-known skincare brand named after its founder, Dr. Howard Murad.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Wish
Nahapet is lengthy and unusual, yet traditional. It has a powerful meaning of “ancestor.” Should you be planning to honor your Armenian heritage or a loved one who’s no longer alive, Nahapet could be a successful choice. Pet might make an endearing nickname for Nahapet.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Ancestor
Nare has been the most popular girl name in Armenia for a few years in a row. It has the strong meaning of “fire” as well as a nature-related meaning of “pomegranate,” which is symbolic of life and fertility. Nare could be a beautiful name to represent that you hope your baby has a zest for life.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Fire, pomegranate
- Variations: Nare, Nara
Narek is a stylish name that sounds youthful despite its ancient history. It’s a common Armenian boy name that grew in popularity due to a saint that bore the name. Narek is defined as “an Armenian city,” which could be a nod to your family background if you have roots in this country.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: An Armenian city
Nayiri is an authentic Armenian option that tells the history of its country of origin. Meaning “land of rivers or canyons” or “another name for Armenia,” Nayiri makes a prideful choice for any boy or girl. Nayiri depicts the stunning Armenian highlands and ancient tribes that were powerful during their time. If you’re looking for a name that’s strong and timeless, Nayiri could be a good one.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Land of rivers or canyons, another name for Armenia
- Variations: Nairi
Nazani is an exquisite name that will charm you with its meaning. It’s known as “delicate” in Armenian. Girls are often soft and dainty, so Nazani might do a fair job at exemplifying that perspective. It could be a beautiful choice to celebrate the femininity of your baby girl.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Delicate
- Variations: Nazanin
Nishan has a religious meaning that might be seen as an honor. It’s defined as “a sign,” “cross,” or “mark.” Nishan could represent that your baby is the most meaningful part of your life. His birth might be a symbol of love, new beginnings, and the most pivotal event you’ll experience.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: A sign, cross, mark
Norayr might be the most suitable name on the list for a baby boy on the way. It stands for “new man,” which is super appropriate for the occasion. Norayr could say make room in the house for the little guy soon to come. Nor is a lovely pet name for Norayr.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: New man
Ohanna is the Hawaiian catchphrase that represents family in the Disney movie Lilo & Stitch, but with one less letter. In Armenia, Ohanna means “God’s special gift.” This spiritual and affectionate moniker could surely wrap your baby in an abundance of love. Hanna may be a pretty nickname for Ohanna.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: God’s special gift
- Variations: Ohana
Pailoon is lively with an equally spirited meaning. It stands for “shines brightly.” Pailoon could reflect the bond you’ll share with your baby girl and how it radiates for all to see. If you desire to have this closeness with your child, Pailoon may represent that sentiment.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Shines brightly
Pari sounds luxurious, like the French pronunciation of Paris. Its Armenian origin keeps with it a rich appeal that might make Pari a classy option for your baby. Defined as “kind,” Pari seals the deal as an appropriate example of how you hope your child treats others.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Kind
- Variations: Parik
Patil could make ice queen Elsa’s name a distant memory. It has a softness that is confirmed by its meaning of “snowflake.” A glamorous way to honor a Winter born baby girl. Snowflakes are unique and stunning to look at, just as your baby girl will be, which could put Patil at the top of your list.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Snowflake
Pergrouhi is a delightful Armenian name whose lengthy spelling and pronunciation don’t get in the way of its beauty. It stands for “cheerful,” which couldn’t be any lovelier for a baby. Pergrouhi may be an awesome choice for your daughter as she’ll be a source of happiness in your life.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Cheerful
Razmik is an authoritative name to give a boy who will grow to be a man. Its meaning of “defender,” “warrior,” or “fighter” might instill a sense of courage in your boy. Razmik feels like a modern version of Alexander that could end up landing on popularity charts in The States if given a shot.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Defender, fighter, warrior
Samvel is a stunning Armenian variant of Samuel. Its spiritual meaning of “told by God” is a beautiful way to say that your son’s story is already written in the stars. Samvel might be a gentle reminder with God that anything is possible as long as your boy believes it too.
- Origin: Armenian, Hebrew
- Meaning: Told by God
Serli is a pretty option for a girl that has an affectionate meaning. It represents “full of love,” which encapsulates the heart of a parent. Serli may be an adoring name to call your little lady.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Full of love
Shakar is an Arabic name that has taken up residence in Armenia. It means “sugar” or “grateful.” Its gender-friendly nature makes it perfect for parents who are planning to be surprised by their child’s sex until birth. Shakar feels unique, but the warm meaning makes it relatable and could be right for your baby-to-be.
- Origin: Arabic
- Meaning: Sugar, grateful
Shnorhig may look like we’ve misspelled a word, but it’s a humble and comforting Armenian name. It means “graceful,” which may reflect how you hope your darling girl carries herself. Shnorhig might take a few jokes, but a solution to that may be to nickname her Nor or Grace.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Graceful
Takvor feels made for the spotlight with its definition of “destined to wear the crown.” It’s a passionate name that suggests your baby will be successful. Your son may exude confidence if you name him Takvor.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Destined to wear the crown
Tangakin is quirky and affectionate, which could be just what you need for your little one. Defined as “precious,” Tangakin has the ability to let your daughter see herself through your eyes. In moments when things aren’t always easy, a name like Tangakin may be a reminder of her mother’s love.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Precious
Tatul feels tribal and historic, making it a good name to display passion. Though it means “paw,” Tatul can be interpreted as leaving an imprint of yourself on your child. After all, this is your mini-me, and Tatul may represent that reflection.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Paw
- Variations: Tatoul
Teter feels transformative, which isn’t far off from this exact experience of becoming a parent. It stands for “butterfly,” an animal known for its life cycle that produces a beautiful masterpiece when complete. Teter could be a whimsical choice to say hello to your baby girl as she emerges from her own cocoon.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Butterfly
Tigran is a super popular name that belonged to a long line of kings in Armenia. Its meaning of “sharp” or “slender” might speak to a baby boy who is lean and quick-witted. Tigran has a lot of charm and history that could make it a top contender for names for your son.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Sharp, slender
Tovmas is a punchy version of Thomas. It has a lot of character with its cool letter combination and exotic pronunciation. Tovmas’ meaning of “twins” might make it perfect for someone who is expecting at least one boy in the pair.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Twins
- Variations: Thomas, Tomas
Tsdrig has a peculiar look, but it could be an ideal name for its meaning. It stands for “daughter,” which makes Tsdrig especially cute if you’re having a girl. Tsdrig might confuse many, so choosing a fun nickname like Drig will help a lot.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Daughter
Tsolak has a warm and delightful meaning that may win you over. It’s defined as “shining eyes,” a touching sentiment that you might find to be true once you meet your baby. Tsolak feels thoughtful and significant which is a beautiful impression to leave upon your child with their name.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Shining eyes
Vahan is a fierce and protective name that stands to make your baby boy feel safe. Meaning “shield,” Vahan could be you vowing to always be around to keep your baby out of harm’s way. Han might be a nice moniker for Vahan.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Shield
Vahr seems like a simple choice for a boy, but it means more than you think. It is defined as “strong” or “best.” Vahr may have the power to make your baby feel like they can conquer anything. Wouldn’t you want your baby to have that level of confidence?
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Strong, best
Vardan has a strong and dominant energy that is solidified by its meaning. It’s defined as “in power,” which rings true for babies if you have a sense of humor. Choosing Vardan for your son might reflect that you’re following his lead as you figure out life together.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: In power
Varteni has an adorably sweet meaning that feels feminine and wonderful for a girl. It stands for “rose tree.” Roses are a popular flower and naming your daughter Varteni might suggest that you are ready to watch her bloom. Teni (teeny) could be a charming nickname for Varteni.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Rose tree
Vatche is a rare and interesting name that means “young boy.” The masculine nature of Vatche might make it an appealing choice for a family expecting a baby boy. If you’re looking to honor what it means to have a son, Vatche might do just that.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Young boy
Vigen is a delightful and celebratory pick that might work well for your boy. It’s known as “victory,” which may summarize how you feel upon meeting your child. Vigen could be an out-of-the-box way to show your baby that he’s all that you dreamed of and more. It might especially resonate with moms who have had a difficult road to motherhood.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Victory
Voskan has a luxurious feel with a meaning to match. In Armenian, Voskan represents “gold.” A name full of glamour and value, Voskan might be a bold way to express how much your baby boy means to you.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Gold
Yera is a beautiful and inspiring name for a little girl. Though reminiscent of Yara, it separates itself not only by spelling but by its definition of “dream.” Yera could express the desire for your baby to chase her dreams or let her know that she is your dream realized. No matter the sentiment you relate to more, Yera doesn’t disappoint in being rooted in love.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Dream
Yeram has a unique style that could be stunning if given a chance. Yeram is commonly used for boys, but its meaning is versatile, so it could be a sweet girl’s name as well. Defined as “flock,” Yeram is understood as a large group, so if you are pregnant with multiples, it might represent one baby of many.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Flock
Yeva has a biblical sound as it closely relates to Eve. Meaning “alive,” Yeva may be a gorgeous tribute to your baby girl’s birth. Yeva has a modern feel that could make it catch on as a replacement for all of its variants. Do you love Yeva enough to choose it for your own little one?
- Origin: Armenian, Hebrew
- Meaning: Alive
- Variations: Eve, Yve, Eva, Yva
Zabel has this modern edge that is exciting and could easily stand out on a little one. It stands for “pledged to God,” as Zabel is a variant of the much loved Isabelle. To keep things interesting, Zabel makes a pretty unique name that will have others intrigued by your baby.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Pledged to God
- Variations: Isabel, Isabelle
Zartar has a unique quality that makes it as interesting as the spice it so closely resembles, za’atar. It has the decorative meaning of “ornament.” Zartar might reflect your child sprucing up your life in a way that’s exciting and positive.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Ornament
Zepour is a nature-related name that may surely sweep you off your feet. It means “breeze,” which is a more gentle flowing wind that can be comforting. Zepour could wonderfully symbolize a precious, new baby.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Breeze
Ziazan has a spunky feel and its meaning is just as bright. Defined as “rainbow,” Ziazan has a fun-loving presence that can express the joy that you feel for your beautiful baby girl. Zia is a pretty moniker for Ziazan.
- Origin: Armenian
- Meaning: Rainbow