100 Powerful German Boy Names: And Meanings

Discover German boy names that are cultured and powerful!

Have you been searching for German boy names for some time to no avail? Choosing the right name to stick with your son for the rest of his life is no small task.

We believe it shouldn’t have to be so hard to secure great options to make finding the perfect name for your little guy memorable and fun! Keep reading to learn German male names with are traditional, have masculine meanings, are rare, or have uncommon spellings.

Sort out all of your favorites from our list to finally pick the most suitable German name for your baby boy!

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100 Powerful German Boy Names

Don’t delay in landing an ideal powerful German boy name for your little one.


Abelard probably doesn’t ring a bell with you if you’re not a literary geek, but the story of Abelard and Heloise’s romance is a classic. Abelard could be a swell option if you’d love a name with a strong meaning, and Abelard means “noble strength.” If you wish for your baby to have admirable toughness, Abelard may be perfect. Abel is an adorable variant and quite popular in America, unlike Abelard.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Noble strength
  • Variations: Abel
  • Popularity: Abelard isn’t currently recorded as a popular name in America, so it’s considered rare. Abel was 181st in the year 2020, a common choice indeed.
Strong, Spiritual


Achmad has Germanic and Arabic roots. Achmad means “praiseworthy.” If you want a solid, spiritual option, Achmad may be the one. Achmad is a variant of the more commonly used Ahmed.

  • Origin: German, Arabic
  • Meaning: Praiseworthy
  • Pronunciation: AHK-mahd
  • Variations: Ahmed, Ahmet
  • Popularity: In America, Achmad doesn’t rank on the baby name charts. Ahmed placed 629th in 2020, which is common.


Adrean could make a great name for a little one born to a family of color. Adrean means “dark one,” which could easily represent a baby with a brown or darker complexion. Adrean is the less used spelling version compared to Adrian.

  • Origin: German, Latin
  • Meaning: Dark one
  • Variations: Adrian, Hadrian
  • Namesakes: Adrian Peterson is a professional football player for the Seattle Seahawks.
  • Popularity: Adrean is a rare name in the United States, but Adrian was popular at 66th in 2020.
Unique, Traditional


Aelbehrt is a truly German name with its traditional spelling, but Americans prefer Albert, according to popularity reports. Aelbehrt means “a bright or shiny edge.” Albert could make a wonderful name for a family in need of something traditional.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: A bright or shiny edge
  • Pronunciation: AL-bairt
  • Variations: Aelbert, Albert
  • Namesakes: Albert Pujols is a Major League Baseball player who played for both the Los Angeles Angels and St. Louis Cardinals.
  • Popularity: Aelbehrt is uncommon in America, but Albert placed 523rd in 2020.


Ambros is a variant of Ambrose, which is most associated with Saint Ambrose of Milan. Ambros could make a fearless choice for parents who desire a strong pick for their son. Ambros means “immortal.” If you wish for your child to feel invincible, Ambrose might be the ultimate name.

  • Origin: German, Latin, Greek
  • Meaning: Immortal
  • Variations: Ambrosius, Ambrose
  • Namesakes: Ambrose Burnside was an American general whose thick, overgrown facial hair became known as sideburns or mutton chops because of its resemblance to this cut of meat.
  • Popularity: Ambros isn’t a known name in the United States, but Ambrose was somewhat popular, ranking 820th for the most popular baby boy name of 2020.
Strong, Spiritual


Anton is a diminutive of Anthony. Anton means “invaluable.” Naming your precious boy Anton might express how indispensable he is to you. Ant is a commonly used nickname for Anton.

  • Origin: German, Latin, Russian, Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Invaluable
  • Variations: Anthony, Antonio
  • Popularity: In America, Anton is a fairly popular name as it ranked 1241st place for 2020.


If you’re a comic lover, then you may appreciate Archie as a choice for your baby-to-be. Archie is a diminutive of Archibald, meaning “truly brave.” Archie could be excellent to symbolize remaining courageous no matter what.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Truly brave
  • Variations: Archibald
  • Namesakes: Archie Bunker is a famous fictional TV dad from the show, All in the Family.
  • Popularity: Archie was in 466th place in 2020 in the USA. Its popularity soared after the 2019 birth of Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s son, who shares the name.
Strong, Traditional


Azzo is a youthful name with a deep meaning. By definition, Azzo means “noble at birth.” Azzo might represent that your son is destined for greatness from his first day of life.

  • Origin: German, Italian
  • Meaning: Noble at birth
  • Popularity: As of 2020, Azzo has not yet been recorded as a given name in the U.S.
Strong, Royal


Baldwin is traditionally a surname in the states, which has become well-known thanks to actor Alec Baldwin and his famous siblings, dubbed the “Baldwin brothers.” Baldwin stands for “brave friend,” which could express the value of friendship to your son.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Brave friend
  • Namesakes: Frank Stephen Baldwin invented the pinwheel calculator in the late 1800s, which was commonly used in trading rooms.
  • Popularity: In the United States, Baldwin is a rarely used name.
Strong, Affectionate


Baldrik could make a great name for a family that wants their baby boy to stand out. Baldrik is defined as “bold.” Choosing Baldrik for your child might symbolize being open to taking risks.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Bold
  • Variations: Baldric
  • Popularity: Baldrik is a unique name for a baby boy in America.
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Barrett could make a roaring name for a little boy as it means “brave with bear strength.” If you love names that include animals or recognize one’s power, Barrett may be a good option. Barrett generally serves as a surname.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Brave with bear strength
  • Popularity: In the USA, Barrett ranked 191st for 2020, which is popular.
Strong, Masculine


Looking for a name with boyish charm? If so, Beil might be the one. Beil stands for “ax maker.” Beil is a unique but masculine option.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Ax maker
  • Pronunciation: BIH-eel
  • Popularity: Beil is an uncommon name for American boys.
Wild, Masculine


Berhtram has a cool meaning, “bright raven.” Ravens are birds usually associated with ominous things like death or illness. Though, with the bright reference in its definition, Berhtram can be interpreted as insightful or a prophecy. Bert could be a fun nickname for your little one.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Bright raven
  • Pronunciation: BAIR-trum
  • Variations: Bertram
  • Namesakes: Bertram Benedict was a book reviewer for The New York Times Magazine.
  • Popularity: Bertram is rarely used for boys in America.


Bogart has an ancient feel which is great for those hoping for a traditional name. Bogart is commonly used as a first and last name in Germany. Bogart stands for “orchard” or “bowstring.” With those meanings, Bogart may be interpreted for a skill like archery. Bo is a nice pet name as well.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Orchard, bowstring
  • Namesakes: Neil Bogart was the founder of Casablanca Records, which produces dance and electronic music.
  • Popularity: Bogart last ranked in 2012 and was considered uncommon then and now.
Traditional, Fun


Boris originated in Germany and Russia. Boris means “to fight.” Boris could be a powerful option to let your baby know to take action on things that matter. If you enjoy boxing, Boris may be a cool nod to this sport.

  • Origin: German, Russian
  • Meaning: Wolf, to fight
  • Popularity: In the USA, Boris is infrequently used as a baby boy name.


If you want an attention-grabbing name, you might prefer Burkhart. Burkhart means “fort” or “strong as a castle.” Burkhart symbolizes impenetrable strength, which you may desire your little man to possess. Burke is an abbreviated version that can be used as a pet name.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Fort, strong as a castle
  • Pronunciation: BURK-art
  • Variations: Burke
Masculine, Cool


Burnard may not grab your attention at first because it’s an old German name for boys, but its meaning is strong. Burnard stands for “strength of a bear.” Burnard is often spelled as Bernard, which is still a kind of popular given name in America. Burnie or Bernie is a sweet abbreviated version of Burnard.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Strong as a bear
  • Variations: Bernard, Bernhard
  • Namesakes: Bernard Alvarez is a retired NASCAR driver.
  • Popularity: Burnard dropped off the charts in 1960, but Bernard is somewhat popular, having placed 1247th for 2020 in the U.S.
Strong, Wild


Carl is a timeless name for boys that means “free man.” Carl is a diminutive of Charles. Carl may represent your desire for your son to live freely. In Germany, Carl is also spelled with a “K.” That variant has been adopted by Americans as well and is used quite a bit based on its popularity status.

  • Origin: German, Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Free man
  • Variations: Karl, Charles
  • Namesakes: Carl Thomas is an R&B singer. Karl Lagerfeld was a popular fashion icon for his creative contributions to Chanel, Fendi, and his eponymous clothing line.
  • Popularity: Carl is a top name for little boys in the USA. It placed #825 in 2020. Its variant, Karl, was a somewhat common spelling at the 1575th spot.


Christopher is a name known by most and for good reason, it is a top 50 choice for boys in the United States. Christopher is a wonderful spiritual name as it stands for “Christ-bearer,” which means a bond with Christ. Chris is the most commonly used nickname for Christopher.

  • Origin: German, Latin
  • Meaning: Christ-bearer
  • Variations: Christopher, Kristoff
  • Namesakes: Christopher “Chris” Brown is a famous singer and dancer.
  • Popularity: Christoph is a unique name choice in America, but Christopher was very popular at 47th place in 2020.


Clemens has a spiritual connotation as it means “merciful” and “good-natured.” If you want to impress upon your child to be a sweet person, Clemens may be the way to go. If you’re unsure of a pet name, Clem sounds adorable.

  • Origin: German, French, Latin
  • Meaning: Good-natured, merciful, gentle
  • Popularity: Clemens is considered a rare name in the United States.
Spiritual, Cool
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Cline is a beautiful German boy name that means “little one.” Your baby is a mini version of yourself, which could be expressed in a name like Cline.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Little one


If you’re looking for an affectionate name, Curt might be a winner. Curt is a diminutive of Curtis and typically a nickname. Curt means “courteous.” Curt may exemplify your goal to teach your son kindness.

  • Origin: German, French
  • Meaning: Courteous
  • Variations: Curtis, Kurt
  • Namesakes: Curt Casali is a professional catcher for the San Francisco Giants baseball team.
  • Popularity: Curt is uncommonly used, but its variants are popular in their own right, with Curtis at 701st place in America for 2020.
Affectionate, Traditional


Do you love a name connected to nature? If yes, Dale might be a fine choice for your baby. Dale means “valley.” Dale could symbolize enjoying the highs and lows of life.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Valley


Dietrich means “ruler of the people.” Dietrich is the perfect royal touch for a family of high status. Dietrich is sometimes used as a surname, so it could make an excellent middle name choice if you’re still unsure.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Ruler of the people
  • Pronunciation: DEE-trick
  • Variations: Diedrich
  • Namesakes: Dietrich Enns is a professional baseball pitcher that previously played for Tampa Bay Rays and the Minnesota Twins.
  • Popularity: As of 2020, Dietrich is a unique name in America.


Dirk might be a name you’ve heard before because of the famous basketball player. Dirk is defined as “people ruler,” which could mean someone who is loved by many, similar to its namesake. Naming your baby boy might get you cool points with you when he’s older and learns of that celebrity connection.

  • Origin: German, Dutch
  • Meaning: People ruler
  • Namesakes: Dirk Nowitzki is a retired professional NBA player for the Dallas Mavericks.
  • Popularity: Dirk isn’t seeing much action these days, so it’s a rare option.


Dresden is a place name that describes a former German city that was lost to World War II. Dresden has an earthy vibe as it means “from the forest.” If you enjoy hiking or outdoorsy activities, Dresden could be a nice name to celebrate family bonding time.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: From the forest
  • Popularity: Shockingly, Dresden is an uncommon name choice.


Ebert has boy written all over it as it means “strong as a boar.” Ebert could make a swell pick for someone who enjoys wild names. Ebert could represent the son of a chef or butcher. In the states, Ebert is seen as a surname.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Strong as a boar
  • Namesakes: Roger Ebert was a beloved American film critic.
  • Popularity: Ebert last appeared on the SSA baby name charts in 2008 and it was rarely used at the time as it is now.
Strong, Wild


Eckhard could make the best baby boy name for parents who want a brawny option. Eckhard means “edge” and “strong.” Eckhard might be a charming way to symbolize the son of an edgy couple.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Strong, edge
  • Pronunciation: EK-ard
  • Variations: Eckhard
  • Popularity: Eckhard is recognized in Germany but in the States, Eckhard is a unique name.
Unique, Strong


Meaning “fire” or “forceful,” Egan could be a strong name for your son. Egan might symbolize the baby boy of a firefighter.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Fire, forceful
  • Pronunciation: EE-gan
  • Popularity: Egan isn’t popular in the United States.


Emil is derived from Emilio and means “to strive.” Emil could be a stunning option for the son of someone who values hard work and excellence.

  • Origin: German, Latin
  • Meaning: To strive, to excel
  • Variations: Emile, Emilio
  • Namesakes: Emil Hersch is a well-known actor who starred in the movie, The Girl Next Door.
  • Popularity: Emil is somewhat commonly used by Americans.
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Emmett is the male version of Emma, so if you’re expecting twins, these might make perfect choices. Emmett means “universal.” Emmett could symbolize the love for your precious baby expanding across the globe.

  • Origin: German, English
  • Meaning: Universal
  • Namesakes: Emmett Dalton was an American criminal who robbed trains and was part of the Dalton gang.
  • Popularity: For 2020, Emmett placed 106th in the U.S., making it a popular name.


Everett is a unisex baby name that has German roots. Everett stands for “brave as a wild boar.” Boars are known for their strength and having the will to fight within them. Everett could attest to your goal to raise a strong boy.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Brave as a wild boar
  • Variations: Everette
  • Namesakes: Everett McIver is a retired football player who was part of the Miami Dolphins, Dallas Cowboys, and the New York Jets.
  • Popularity: In the USA, Everett is a common unisex name that ranked 89th for boys in 2020.


Felix is the male version of Felicity. Felix stands for “lucky” or “fortunate.” If you pick Felix, it might let your son know how much value he has added to your life.

  • Origin: German, Latin, English
  • Meaning: Lucky, fortunate, happy
  • Variations: Felyx
  • Namesakes: Felix Cavaliere is a singer from the 1960s group, The Rascals.
  • Popularity: As of 2020, Felix was a top 300 name, making it popular in the U.S.


Filip has a whimsical meaning which is “lover of horses.” Horses represent determination, beauty, and spirit. Filip could exemplify that you view your little boy as a majestic being. Filip is rarely used in the states, unlike its variants.

  • Origin: German, Greek
  • Meaning: Lover of horses
  • Variations: Philip, Phillip
  • Popularity: Filip is a rarely used choice, but both variants are considered common in America.
Wild, Cool


Flint might be a solid name for your little one as it means “hard stone.” Flint was used to make tools and as a fire starter during the Stone Age.

  • Origin: German, English
  • Meaning: Hardstone
  • Variations: Flynt
  • Popularity: In the United States, Flint was a somewhat popular boy name as of 2020.
Strong, Cool


Frideric is just one of many variants for Frederick. Frideric means “peace” or “powerful.” If you want a comforting yet strong choice for your boy, you might love Frideric. Freddie is a popular nickname choice.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Peace, powerful
  • Variations: Frederick, Fredrick, Frederic, Fredric, Fritz
  • Popularity: Frideric is a rare choice in the United States, but Frederick was popular and in the top 500 for 2020.
Comforting, Strong


Fulhert is an unusual name but with a likable meaning. Fulhert stands for “very bright.” Fulhert could symbolize your baby’s stunning eyes or illuminating soul once you finally meet him.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Very bright
  • Popularity: Fulhert isn’t ranked yet as a given name in America based on SSA charts.


Fynn, more popularly written as Finn, stands for “bright” or “fair.” Fynn might make a superb option for a baby born with a lighter skin tone. Huckleberry Finn, the children’s fable, is one of the most notable uses of this German and Irish boy’s name.

  • Origin: German, Irish
  • Meaning: Bright, fair
  • Variations: Finn, Fin, Finley
  • Popularity: Fynn was kind of popular at 1482nd place, while the very popular Finn ranked 178th in 2020 in the United States.


Gabel is a unique German name that has a spiritual meaning. Gabel stands for “God is bright.” Gabel might express to your son to always look to God to get ahead in life. Gabe would make a strong nickname choice.

  • Origin: German, Hebrew 
  • Meaning: God is bright
  • Variations: Gabriel
  • Popularity: Gabel is rare and fell off the charts in 2005, but Gabriel was 38th in the USA for 2020.


Gerd might give you pause as the acronym stands for digestive issues, but Gerd has a manly meaning. Gerd is defined as “spear strong,” which can be a symbol of power for your son.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Spear strong
  • Pronunciation: GAIRT
  • Popularity: No babies have received the name Gerd in America thus far.
Wild, Cool, Strong
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If you are tired of the ever-popular boy name Gunner, Gunther is the classic version. Gunther means “battle warrior.” Gunther might be perfect for the little guy of a military family as a way to honor their loved one.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Battle warrior
  • Variations: Gunner
  • Namesakes: Gunther Cunningham was a head coach for American football.
  • Popularity: As of 2020, Gunther is rarely used in the states.
Strong, Masculine


Hackett is German for “little woodcutter.” Hackett could make a solid name for a family that enjoys physical labor, camping, or the woods.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Little woodcutter
  • Popularity: Hackett doesn’t appear as a commonly used name based on SSA records.
Masculine, Wild, Cool


Hans is a somewhat popular choice that has a spiritual meaning of “God is gracious.” Hans could make a good name for your baby boy to symbolize God’s faithfulness. Hans is the villain in the animated movie, Frozen.

  • Origin: German, Scandinavian
  • Meaning: God is gracious
  • Popularity: Hans was 1477th in the United States for 2020, making it kind of common.


Hardy is known mostly as a Germanic surname, but it’s making waves as a first name now. Hardy means “bold” or “brave.” Hardy could be the ideal pick if you want to boost your son’s confidence.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Bold, brave
  • Popularity: Hardy is thought of as rare for boys according to popularity records in the U.S.
Strong, Affectionate


Helmut may make you laugh at first, but it stands for “courage” or a literal “helmet.” Helmut is a traditional German name for boys that could offer comfort if chosen. Helmut might work best for a family who will teach their son to stand tall though he might be picked on for the name.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Helmet, courage
  • Popularity: Helmut dropped off the charts in 1978.


If you want a humble name for your baby, Hubert could do the trick. Hubert means “bright heart,” which might represent someone who is kind or generous. Huey is a likable pet name you could use.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Bright heart
  • Popularity: Hubert is a unique option in America.


Hugo is a foreign name that means “intellect.” Hugo could be a smart choice for a baby boy who belongs to a family of teachers. Fun fact, Hugo Boss is a well-known men’s luxury clothing brand based out of Germany.

  • Origin: German, Spanish, Latin
  • Meaning: Intellect
  • Variations: Hugh
  • Popularity: Hugo


Ivon might be giving you déjàvu as its meaning is reminiscent of Bogart. Ivon stands for “archer’s bow” and “yew tree.” Ivon could symbolize your son being skilled enough to never go hungry.

  • Origin: German, French
  • Meaning: Yew tree, archer’s bow
  • Variations: Ivan, Yvon
  • Popularity: Ivon would be a unique option, while Ivan was popular at the 153rd spot in the USA for 2020.


Izaak is a unique spelling choice for Issac. Izaak is defined as “he will laugh.” A baby’s laugh is one of the sweetest sounds you’ll ever hear and Izaak may represent your delight to discover your baby’s laughter when he is older. Izzy might be a trendy nickname choice.

  • Origin: German, Greek
  • Meaning: He will laugh
  • Variations: Isaac
  • Namesakes: Isaac Hayes was an American musician and songwriter best known for his song for the movie, Shaft.
  • Popularity: Izaak isn’t as commonly used as Issac, which ranked in America as 39th for 2020.


Jakob is a well-known option that is often spelled as Jacob. Jakob is a biblical boy’s name as he is one of the founders of Judaism. Jakob could be a beautiful option for parents who want to represent their Christian faith. Jake is an obvious nickname to adorn your baby boy.

  • Origin: German, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Supplanter
  • Variations: Jacob
  • Namesakes: Jacob “Jake” Gyllenhaal is an American actor known for his portrayal in the film, Brokeback Mountain.
  • Popularity: In the United States, Jakob was 882nd and Jacob came in at 15th in 202, making both names popular.
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Jürgen may seem challenging to say, but it gets easier with practice. Jürgen means “earth walker,” which could be a fancy way to describe humans. For a family of scientists, Jürgen might seem like the right name for their child.

  • Origin: German, Greek
  • Meaning: Earth walker
  • Pronunciation: YOR-gen
  • Popularity: In the USA, Jürgen is extremely uncommon.
Cool, Unique


Kaiser has been a common boy name beginning with K for the past few years based on the SSA baby name records. You could affectionately call him Kai for short. Fun fact: a kaiser roll is a type of bun.

  • Origin: German, Latin
  • Meaning: Severed
  • Variations: Kaizer, Keiser, Kyser, Kyzer
  • Popularity: Kaiser is popular in the U.S., having placed 867th in 2020.


Klaus might make you think of old Saint Nick, which could make a festive name for a December baby. Klaus means “victor of the people,” which quite appropriately describes Santa in the eyes of children. Klaus is traditionally spelled as Claus but is shockingly not the more popular way in America.

  • Origin: German, Dutch, Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Victor of the people
  • Pronunciation: KLOW-ss
  • Variations: Klause, Claus, Clause
  • Popularity: Klaus is a rarely used boy name.


Kyler is a name in the top 300, so it does well in popularity. Kyler means “church,” which may be symbolic for your spiritual beliefs should you use it for your son. You could call him Kyle for short.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Church
  • Variations: Kyle
  • Popularity: In 2020, Kyler placed 244th, which is considered popular in the U.S.


Lucas is a top 10 name for boys which means the name is well-loved. Lucas is a great multicultural option as its use spans across many countries. Lucas means “shining,” which might be the best way to share how bright your son’s presence is upon his arrival.

  • Origin: German, Latin, English, Spanish
  • Meaning: Shining
  • Variations: Luca, Lukas, Luke
  • Namesakes: Lucas Goodwin is a fictional journalist from the TV show, House of Cards.
  • Popularity: At 8th place, Lucas was a common name in America for 2020.


By definition, Lynde means “gentle.” Lynde might make you feel warm and fuzzy with its comforting meaning. Lynde could serve as a reminder for people to handle your newborn with care.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Gentle
  • Pronunciation: LIND
  • Popularity: Lynde hasn’t ranked since 2011 in America, making it a unique name.
Affectionate, Comforting


Lydon might seem to be missing a letter, but this is the correct spelling in Germany. Lydon stands for “from the linden tree hill.” Linden trees are sacred and symbolize love and fertility, among other things. Lydon could be a gorgeous boy name to exemplify the love shared between you and your partner.

  • Origin: German, Gaelic
  • Meaning: From the Linden tree hill
  • Variations: Lyndon, Linden
  • Popularity: Lydon is a very rare name in America, but as of 2020, both of its variants ranked in the top 2000.
Unique, Spiritual


Matthias is a more modern diminutive of Matthew. Matthias replaced Judas as a disciple due to the betrayal of Christ. Matthias is a powerful name meaning “gift of God,” which could convey the gift of your child if you go with this for your son’s name.

  • Origin: German, Greek, Dutch
  • Meaning: Gift of God
  • Variations: Mathias, Matias, Mattias, Matthew
  • Popularity: Matthis is a popular top 500 name, while Matthew ranked 30th in the U.S. for 2020.


Max is a favorite of many according to its popularity numbers. Max means “greatest.” Max could sweetly remind your baby boy what you think of him. Max is mostly a nickname choice for its variants but can stand alone as a forename.

  • Origin: German, English, Australian
  • Meaning: Greatest
  • Variations: Maximillian, Maxwell
  • Namesakes: Maxwell is an American singer who is considered the creator of the neo-soul genre.
  • Popularity: In America, Max placed 147th in 2020 and Maxwell was 145th. Maximillian is considered rare these days.
Affectionate, Popular


If you plan to teach your baby to be honorable, Meinhard might help signify that. Meinhard means “braveheart.” Meinhard could be the cutest choice for a boy born to a family of military vets.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Braveheart
  • Pronunciation: MAY-nard
  • Variations: Meinhardt, Maynard
  • Popularity: Meinhard and its variants are very uncommon names in the U.S.
Strong, Royal
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Mendie might be an obvious name for a boy as it stands for “little man.” Mendie could also just serve as a nickname since its definition is an affectionate way to refer to male children.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Little man
  • Popularity: Mendie last appeared on SSA name charts in 1978, so it’s a really rare find.


Merten stands for “of mars,” which could be an ideal choice for a baby whose parents love space or science. Merten hasn’t been given to little boys in the United States as of yet, but it’s free-spirited nature might change this.

  • Origin: German, French
  • Meaning: Of Mars
  • Variations: Martin
  • Popularity: There are no reports of Merten being the given name of any American boys.
Cool, Free-spirited


Mikkel is a diminutive of Michael and a much trendier choice. Mikkel means “one who’s like God.” Michael was an archangel who protected other angels from Satan. Mikkel may be an angelic pick for a religious family.

  • Origin: German, Hebrew
  • Meaning: One who’s like God
  • Variations: Michael
  • Namesakes: Michael Jordan is a retired NBA star and a popular sneaker designer.
  • Popularity: Mikkel is a unique name, while Michael was 12th in 2020 in the USA.


Milo is a gorgeous name that means “soldier.” Milo could memorialize a family member who was a soldier or is currently on active duty.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Soldier
  • Variations: Mylo
Strong, Masculine


If you’re searching for a unique name for a baby boy, Mullen is a rare one. Mullen is sometimes used for the last name. Mullen is defined as “a mill.” Mullen could symbolize a child born in the country.

  • Origin: German, French, Gaelic
  • Meaning: A mill


Nikolaus means “victor of the people,” just like Klaus, which explains why Santa bears both of those names. Nikolaus isn’t used much in America, but Nicholas is a top 100 pick for boys.

  • Origin: German, French
  • Meaning: Victor of the people
  • Pronunciation: NEE-koo-louse
  • Variations: Nicolas, Nikolas, Nicholas
  • Namesakes: Nicholas Cage is a popular actor known for starring in movies like Leaving Las Vegas and City of Angels.
  • Popularity: Nikolaus is an uncommon name compared to Nicholas, which is popular and came in 87th in 2020 in the U.S.


Noah is famous for its biblical affiliation with the story of Noah’s Ark. Noah means “rest” or “comfort,” which might be a soothing name for your bundle of joy. Noah is a top 10 name in the United States.

  • Origin: German, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Rest, Comfort
  • Variations: Noa
  • Namesakes: Noah Wyle is an American actor who starred in the TV series E.R., as Dr. John Carter.
  • Popularity: Noah is the 2nd most popular boy name in the U.S. as of 2020.
Spiritual, Comforting


Norbert is an old-fashioned boy’s name that means “bright” or “renowned North.” Norbert might be a special name to give a baby boy whose family has a special connection with the North.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Bright, renowned North
  • Popularity: As of 2020, Norbert is considered rare in the United States.
Affectionate, Unique


If you want a name that has been off the radar for a while, Obrecht could be the one. Obrecht means “famed for his heritage.” Obrecht might be ideal for the child of a famous family. Obrecht could make a wonderful middle name since they often honor a loved one or legacy.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Famed for his heritage
  • Pronunciation: AW-brekt
  • Popularity: Obrecht is a truly rare boy name in the U.S.


Oskar has an affectionate quality as it means “dear friend.” Oskar might imply that you hope your darling son is a good comrade to others. Oskar is traditionally written as Oscar, which is preferred in the U.S.

  • Origin: German, Scandinavian, Gaelic
  • Meaning: Dear friend
  • Variations: Oscar
  • Namesakes: Oscar de la Renta was a famous Dominican fashion designer known for his beautiful gowns.
  • Popularity: Oskar placed 1271st in 2020 in the USA, while Oscar was 215th, making both popular options.
Affectionate, Comforting
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Otis is an old-fashioned choice but has a rich meaning. Otis is defined as “wealth” or “prosperity.” Otis may be the perfect name for a baby born on New Year’s Eve or just after midnight.

  • Origin: German, English
  • Meaning: Wealth, prosperity
  • Variations: Otto
  • Namesakes: Otis Redding was an American soul singer.
  • Popularity: Otis was 648th in America for 2020, which is common.


Paul is a well-loved name for boys and its meaning is likely the reason why. Paul stands for “humble” or “small.” Paul could represent the size of your baby boy at birth or your wish for him to be down-to-earth. Paulie could make an adorable pet name.

  • Origin: German, Latin
  • Meaning: Small, humble
  • Namesakes: Paul Newman was an American actor, race car driver, and entrepreneur whose salad dressings you might recognize in stores.
  • Popularity: Paul ranked 252nd in America, making it popular for 2020.


Peppin may remind you of retired ballplayer Scottie Pippen’s last name. Peppin is of German and French origin and is defined as “perseverant.” If you want your little one to always push through tough times, Peppin could symbolize that sentiment.

  • Origin: German, French
  • Meaning: Perseverant one
  • Variations: Pepin
  • Popularity: In the USA, Peppim hasn’t been used as a given name.
Strong, Unique


Being brave seems to be a common theme in German culture as Poldi means “brave people.” Poldi is a variant of Leopold. Poldi could be a unique option to give your gorgeous boy instead of the overused Leo.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Brave people
  • Variations: Leopold, Leo
  • Popularity: Poldi doesn’t rank in The States, but Leopold was 1430th and Leo 36th in 2020, which are considered popular.
Strong, Unique


Rafael is a biblical name as he was an archangel, which might appeal to a family who wants to acknowledge their religion. Rafael means “God heals.” If you believe that God had this ability, Rafael could be a divine pick for your baby.

  • Origin: German, Spanish, Hebrew
  • Meaning: God heals
  • Pronunciation: rah-FAH-el
  • Variations: Raphael
  • Popularity: Rafael placed 247th in 2020 in America, which is common.


Rainart is typically a German surname, but it’s been used as a given name for boys. By definition, Rainart means “strong judgment.” Rainart could symbolize that you will show your baby how to be a good judge of character. Rain makes a lovely nickname option.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Strong judgment
  • Pronunciation: RIHN-art
  • Variations: Reinhart, Reinhardt
  • Popularity: Rainart and its variants are all considered uncommon in the USA.


Rex sounds like the shortened name for the infamous dinosaur, but in this case, Rex means “king.” Whether your son gets interested in archaeology or hopes to rule in some capacity, Rex might be fitting.

  • Origin: German, Latin
  • Meaning: King
  • Style: Royal, Cool, Masculine
  • Namesakes: Rex is the name of the dinosaur in the Toy Story franchise.
  • Popularity: For 2020, Rex was a popular name at the 680th place in America.


Riker could make you frown if you’re familiar with the New York jail called Rikers Island, but don’t count it out yet. Riker means “rich,” which may be viewed as having an abundance of money or an overflow of good things in your life. Riker could symbolize you being rich in love as you await your baby boy.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Rich
  • Pronunciation: RIH-ker
  • Variations: Ryker
  • Popularity: Riker is rare, but in the USA, Ryker placed 148th in 2020.


If you’re a gamer, you might be familiar with Rune from Runescape, a fantasy video game. Rune stands for “secret.” Rune may be a swell choice for a baby who was a surprise.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Secret
  • Pronunciation: ROO-neh
  • Popularity: Rune is rarely used for boys in America.


Ruprecht could be an awesome name for your baby boy if you wish to be affectionate. Ruprecht means “bright flame.” Choosing Ruprecht might represent an intense energy that your little one possesses.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Bright flame
  • Pronunciation: ROO-pret
  • Variations: Robert, Rupert
  • Popularity: Ruprecht is not found on SSA charts, but Robert is a popular variant at 89th place in the U.S. for 2020.
Strong, Affectionate
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Schneider is seen in the U.S. as a last name, but is a German name for “tailor.” A family who loves fashion or works in the industry might appreciate Schneider for their adorable boy. Schneider might also be sweet to honor mom’s maiden name.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Tailor
  • Pronunciation: SCH-nih-der
  • Popularity: Schneider hasn’t been used too often in America.


If you think Siegfried looks familiar, it’s because Siegfried and Roy were famous German-American magicians. Siegfried is defined as “victory” or “peace.” Siegfried could be a loving option for your stunning baby to signify the comfort he provides you. Siggy is an upbeat pet name you could use as well.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Victory, peace
  • Pronunciation: SIG-freed
  • Popularity: Siegfried is a unique name as of 2020.


Siemen could appear off-putting because of its spelling, but it’s rather holy of a name derived from Simon. Simon was one of Jesus’ disciples. Siemen isn’t trending in America for obvious reasons, so if you do like it, maybe use the alternative spelling. Here’s an interesting fact, Siemens is a German company that provides energy to various industries on a global scale with products like a generator.

  • Origin: German, Hebrew
  • Meaning: Listen, hearing
  • Pronunciation: ZEE-men
  • Variations: Simon, Simeon
  • Namesakes: Simon Cowe is a popular TV host known for his days judging on American Idol.
  • Popularity: Siemen is a rare name, but Simeon was 1106th and Simon 251st for 2020 in the U.S, which is popular.


Stadtler is a German surname that is now trending as a first name option. Stadtler means “a barn.” If you’re an animal lover, you might name your son Stadtler to share in that joy.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: A barn
  • Variations: Sable
  • Popularity: Stadtler doesn’t appear on the SSA name charts just yet.
Cool, Wild


Stein is often mistaken for a Jewish name as it is commonly the ending of many Jewish surnames, but Stein is of German origin. Stein stands for “stone.” Stein could be a powerful option to indicate your son’s strength.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Stone
  • Popularity: Stein fell off the charts in 2012, making it a unique name today.
Strong, Cool, Masculine


Tabbert is an unusual name, but it has a wonderful meaning. Tabbert is defined as “bright day.” Picking Tabbert could be the most appropriate way to memorialize the birth of your baby boy, no matter the weather. Tabby is a shortened version of Tabbert that would make a great nickname.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Bright day
  • Popularity: Tabbert hasn’t been used in the U.S. for little boys.
Affectionate, Comforting


If you believe your baby is heaven-sent, Tedrick could speak to this sentiment. Tedrick stands for “God’s gift.” Teddy is a cool pet mama to pull from Tedrick.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: God’s gift
  • Popularity: Tedrick has been rarely used in America.


Though you may not have a royal bloodline, Tihalt could affectionately remind your son of his worth. Tihalt means “people’s prince.” Tihalt may be considered the prince in a family if he is the youngest baby boy.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: People’s prince
  • Pronunciation: TEE-hi-alt
  • Popularity: Tihalt hasn’t been the given name of any male children in the United States.
Strong, Royal


Traeger might have a confusing naming, but the name has masculine appeal. If you want a unique option for your tiny tot, Traeger could be a strong contender. Fun fact, Traeger is the name of a company that sells grills and other barbecue supplies.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Someone who carries something
  • Popularity: Traeger is a unique boy name in the USA.


Ulf is a strong name that’s wild in nature. If you want an alternate name for a wolf that isn’t obvious or overused, Ulf may be appropriate.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Wolf
  • Pronunciation: OOLF
  • Popularity: Ulf isn’t used at all in America as of yet.
Wild, Strong
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Ulrich is another name that correlates with royalty. If you are proud of your lineage, Ulrich could symbolize this satisfaction. Ulrich has some age to it, but a nickname like Richie might make it playful enough for a little boy.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Rich, noble heritage
  • Popularity: Ulrich was considered rare by 2020 popularity standards.
Royal, Strong


Valdemar is a name of power that might suit your stunning boy well. Valdemar means “famous ruler.” Who knows, naming your son Valdemar could inspire him to strive for a career in politics.

  • Origin: German, Scandinavian
  • Meaning: Famous ruler
  • Variations: Waldemar
  • Popularity: Based on SSA baby name rankings, Valdemar is rare.
Strong, Royal


Valter is a name of strength as it means “fighter” or “warrior.” If you want to remind your son to rise to the occasion, naming him Valter could serve as that. Valter is the variant of Walter, which is the commonly used American version as it still ranks in the top 300.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Fighter, warrior
  • Variations: Walter
  • Popularity: Valter isn’t seen in the USA, while Walter is still common at 274th place for 2020.
Strong, Masculine


Vergil is thought to mean “staff bearer” or to ” flourish.” Vergil might be a sweet nod to your baby’s growth of your pregnancy should you pick Vergil for him. The more widely recognized spelling is Virgil.

  • Origin: German, Latin
  • Meaning: Flourish, staff bearer
  • Variations: Virgil
  • Popularity: As of 2020, Vergil was considered rare in the United States, though Virgil was somewhat popular at the 1785th spot.


Wagner sounds like a cute name for a pup, but it’s a unique German name used for little boys. Wagner stands for “wagonmaker.” We don’t imagine your child will be building a wagon any time soon, but Wagner could be perfect if you want a manly name.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Wagonmaker
  • Popularity: Wagner isn’t a popular name as of yet.
Unique, Cool


If you thought of Where’s Waldo books when you first read this name, you’re not alone. Waldo means “to rule.” Waldo might make a charming option for your baby-to-be if you want a royal name. Traditionally, Wally is the pet name used for Waldo.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: To rule
  • Popularity: Waldo is uncommonly used these days.


Wendall, also spelled as Wendell, is the German name for “wanderer.” For parents who desire a free-spirited name for their boy, Wendall could be the best fit.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Wanderer
  • Variations: Wendell
  • Popularity: Wendall and Wendell are both unique names for boys in the United States.


Wolfgang has a lot of appeal because of its masculinity and its association with famous chef Wolfgang Puck. Wolfgang could easily describe a boy as most are wild in nature. Wolfie is a ravishing nickname to call him for short.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Advancing wolf
  • Namesakes: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was one of the most famous Classical musicians and composers to exist.
  • Popularity: In 2020, Wolfgang came in at 1357th spot, which is fairly common in the U.S.
Wild, Masculine


You might think of Zeppelin as a rock and roll name because of its musical ties, but Zeppelin is actually unrelated by definition. Zeppelin means “aircraft.” Zeppelin may be the best option for a little boy whose parent is a pilot.

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Aircraft
  • Namesakes: Led Zeppelin is a famous rock band.
  • Popularity: Zeppelin is a somewhat popular name in America at 1494th for 2020.


Zigmund means “victory” or “protector.” If you want your boy to know that one should always protect family, Zigmund is a great name to indicate this. How cute is Ziggy as a nickname?

  • Origin: German
  • Meaning: Victory, protector
  • Variations: Sigmund
  • Popularity: Zigmund was rare when it last charted in 2019 in the USA.
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German Names FAQs

What are Common German Male Names?

The boy names that are most commonly used in Germany are favorites of Americans as well.

For 2020, the number one German boy’s name was — Noah.

Noah means “rest” or “comfort.” It’s no stranger that sleep won’t come easy to new parents, but naming your baby Noah can be a funny way to try and manifest a good night’s rest. All jokes aside, Noah is a biblical name that has been made famous from the tale of Noah’s Ark.

Here are some more German male names that ranked in the top 10 for the same year:

  • Paul — “Small, humble.”
  • Felix — “Lucky, fortunate, happy.”
  • Finn — “Bright, fair.”

What German Name Means Strong?

In Germany, quite a few boy names are associated with strength. Check out four German male names that mean “strong.”

  • Abelard — “Noble strength.”
  • Burkhart — “Fort, strong as a castle.”
  • Burnard — “Strong as a bear.”
  • Ebert — “Strong as a boar.”
Headshot of Myesha Alleyne

About the Author

Myesha Alleyne

Myesha Alleyne is a freelance writer, author, and formally trained elementary educator. During her time teaching, she found herself longing to fulfill a childhood dream of writing. She’s a dedicated mother and wife who loves to read and watch the Food Network in her spare time.