P for perfection, P for pretty, or P for precious. Choosing girl names that start with P is a great place to start your naming journey. Whether you like traditional names like Penelope and Paula or want something more trendy like Paige and Paris, these female names that start with P have it all!
We discover that many names come from Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and Old English, so your choice of P names is truly broad. So, let’s dive straight in and explore P names for girls to fire up your imagination.
135 Precious Girl Names With P
Let’s get pumped for women’s names that start with P.
- Paden – this Scottish girl’s name possibly means “path or hill” or “royal.”
- Padma – a cute Sanskrit name meaning “lotus.”
- Page – of Old English origin, meaning “attendant.”
- Paget – a gender-neutral English title with the same meaning as Page.
- Paige – this alternate spelling of Page means “attendant.”
- Paisley – a Scottish place name meaning “church.”
- Paladia – a variant of the Greek name Palias, meaning “wisdom.”
- Palesa – this beautiful African girl’s name means “flower.”
- Palma – a famous Italian province – this Latin name means “palm tree.”
- Palmer – is an Old English surname derived from the Latin Palma.
- Paloma – derived from the Latin word “palumbus,” meaning “dove.”
- Pamela – an invented literary name derived from ancient Greek, meaning “all sweetness.”
- Pamelynne – an English variation of Pamela with the same meaning.
- Pandora – a classic name from Greek mythology, meaning “all gifts.”
- Panna – a cool Hindi female name meaning “emerald.”
- Pansie – refers to the flowering plant with velvet petals or means “to ponder” after the French “pensee.”
- Panthea – a divine Greek name meaning “of all gods.”
- Paquita – this unique Spanish baby name means “free.”
- Paradise – some girl names that start with P are beautiful, like Paradise, meaning “sacred home.”
- Paris – from the 1st-century Parisii tribe who inhabited the land the city sits on, but of unknown meaning.
- Parisa – a cool Persian name meaning “like a fairy.”
- Parish – an Old English word for a “religious region.”
- Parker – this occupational Old English name means “park keeper.”
- Parmida – a 7-letter Persian name describing a “princess.”
- Parvati – many female names that start with P come from Sanskrit – means “Shiva’s wife.”
- Parveen – this Persian girl’s name describes a star cluster called “Pleiades.”
- Pascha – possibly derived from the Greek name Pascal, referring to Easter and “pass over.”
- Pasha – an alternate Russian spelling of Pascha, meaning “small.”
- Passion – a classic Old English name that sounds modern and means “strong desire.”
- Patch – possibly a diminutive of Patrick, meaning “noble.”
- Patience – from a collection of English “virtue” Christian names meaning “to suffer.”
- Patina – a rare female name of Italian origin, meaning “a green or brownish color.”
- Patrice – is closely related to Patrick and Patricia and means “noble or patrician” in English.”
- Patricia – derived from the Latin word “patrician,” meaning “noble.”
- Patrika – a feminine respelling of Patrick, meaning “noblewoman” in English and Portuguese.
- Patsy – an English/Scottish diminutive of Patricia, meaning “noble.”
- Patty – another English variant of the Latin Patricia meaning “noble.”
- Paula – a feminine form of the Roman name Paul, meaning “small.”
- Paulina – a variant spelling of Paula, meaning “small.”
- Pauline – derived from the Latin Paulinus, with the same meaning as Paul.
- Pashelle – this French name derives from the Latin name Michael and means “who is like God.”
- Pavla – with Latin roots, Pavla derives from Paul and means “small” or “little.”
- Paxton – derived from the Old English “pœcces tun,” meaning “peace town.”
- Payson – a gender-neutral English name meaning “son of peace.”
- Payton – with firm roots in Latin and Irish, meaning “noble” and “descendant of Peatán.”
- Paz – a short and sweet Spanish name meaning “peace.”
- Pazia – an unusual Hebrew girl’s name meaning “golden.”
- Peace – this English/French word derives from the Latin “pax,” meaning “peaceful and tranquil.”
- Pearl – this exquisite name derives from the Latin “perla,” meaning “pearl or gemstone of the sea.”
- Peggy – this cute English name derives from the Latin Margarita and means “pearl.”
- Pelia – another Hebrew name to make the list – Pelia means “miracle of God.”
- Pella – possibly Greek or Swedish, Pella means “rock.”
- Pemma – P names for girls are often unusual, like the Tibetan Pemma, meaning “lotus flower.”
- Penelope – another name from Greek mythology, meaning “weaver.”
- Penina – this Hebrew word possibly means “pearl” or “weaver” in Greek.
- Penna – possibly an ancient English word for a” hill,” or it means “feather” in Latin.
- Pennilyn – this quirky Greek name has multiple meanings of “duck, thread, web, and voice.”
- Penny – a Greek short form of Penelope, meaning “weaver.”
- Peony – from the Old Greek word “paion,” meaning “healing, healthy, and prosperity.”
- Pepita – this Spanish name is of Hebrew origin and means “Jehovah increases.”
- Peppa – is a popular character name of Hebrew origin, meaning “Jehovah increases.”
- Pepper – a modern English name taken from the pepper plant.
- Perdita – this Latin name is also a Shakespearean character and means “lost.”
- Peri – is part Greek, Hebrew, and Persian, meaning “dweller by the pear tree.”
- Perla – girl names with P are often pretty, like this Latin word for “pearl.”
- Perline – an alternate spelling for the Latin Pearl with the same meaning.
- Permelia – derived from the ancient Greek “pan meli,” meaning “all honey or sweetness.”
- Peppy – a short form of the Spanish/Hebrew name Pepita, meaning “Jehovah increases.”
- Perren – possibly a Greek feminine form of Peter, meaning “rock or wanderer.”
- Perrine – a French version of the Latin Petrus, meaning “rock or stone.”
- Perry – an alternative to the Greek, Hebrew, and Persian names, meaning “dweller by the pear tree.”
- Persephone – from Greek mythology, meaning “bringer of death.”
- Persia – derived from the ancient nomadic tribes of Iran, meaning “land of the Parsa.”
- Petal – some Greek women’s names that start with P come from nature, like Petal, meaning “leaf.”
- Petra – is the Greek feminine form of Peter, meaning “rock or stone.”
- Petrona – the Spanish equivalent of Petra with the same meaning.
- Petronia – another variation of the Greek and Latin “petra and petronis,” meaning “rock or stone.”
- Petula – a stunning Old English name meaning “tulip petal.”
- Petunia – names for girls that start with P can be floral-inspired – after the French “petun,” meaning “tobacco.”
- Phaedra – another Greek mythological name meaning “bright.”
- Phillipina – a French and Polish name meaning “lover of horses.”
- Philomena – in Greek, it means “loved, and “daughter of the light” in Latin.
- Phryne – derived from the ancient Greek word “phrynos,” meaning “toad.”
- Phyllis – this English, German, and Old Greek name means “foliage and green branch or bough.”
- Pia – the feminine version of the Latin “pious,” meaning “reverent.”
- Piera – an Italian name derived from the Latin “petrus,” meaning “rock or stone.”
- Pierette – is the French feminine version of Pierre, meaning “rock or stone.”
- Pillar – this religious Spanish name comes from “Mary of the Pillar” and means “column.”
- Piper – an English and Irish occupational name for a “pipe player.”
- Pippa – derived from the Greek “philos,” meaning “lover of horses.”
- Piri – the first Hungarian name to make the list, meaning “old and ancient.”
- Pixie – a classic Cornish, Celtic, and Swedish name meaning “fairy.”
- Pheba – taken from the Greek name Phoebe, this alternate version means “bright and shining.”
- Phelia – an alternate take on Ophelia, this Greek name means “helper and benefit.”
- Pheodora – many girl names that start with P come from Greek – means “supreme gift.”
- Philberta – this feminine form of the German name Filbert means “very bright.”
- Phillipa – a long form of Pippa, meaning “lover of horses” in Greek.
- Phoebe – from the ancient Greek Phoebus, meaning “bright.”
- Phoenix – the immortal bird from Greek and Egyptian mythology – means “dark red.”
- Placida – derived from the Latin word of the same name, meaning “calm and placid.”
- Pocahontas – the famous black historical figure – Pocahontas means “playful or mischievous.”
- Polaris – a cool gender-neutral Latin name describing the “pole star.”
- Polly – some nicknames sound English, but Polly derives from Latin, meaning “star of the sea.”
- Pollyanna – this invented literary name represents children who are “overly optimistic.”
- Pomona – another name derived from the Latin “pomus,” meaning “fruit tree.”
- Poppy – this popular Old English and Latin name means “red flower.”
- Portia – some of the best Latin girl names have the strangest meanings, like “pig or hog doorway.”
- Posie – a cute Old English female name meaning “small flower.”
- Prairie – this Old English and French name is commonly used in America to describe a “flatland.”
- Praise – an unusual Old English name meaning “to give warm approval/admiration to someone or something.”
- Precious – if your child is “of great worth or value,” give them this Old English name.
- Presley – derived from the Old English word “preost,” meaning “priest’s meadow.”
- Presta – this foreign Spanish name means “hurry quick.”
- Prestyn – derived from the Old English “preost” and “tu,” meaning “priest’s estate.”
- Prewitt – a sweet but distinct French name meaning “brave little one.”
- Pride – still unusual as a name, this old English word means to “take satisfaction from achievement.”
- Prim – a short and sweet French name meaning “first” and “shrewd.”
- Primrose – is a pretty traditional Latin name derived from “prima rosa,” meaning “first rose.”
- Princess – a regal name for royal children meaning “royal daughter” in Old English.
- Priscilla – another Latin name making the list – Priscilla means “venerable and ancient.”
- Prisha – of Hindu and Sanskrit origin, meaning “God’s gift.”
- Prissy – this Latin diminutive of “prisca” means “ancient.”
- Prita – a female name of Indian origin, meaning “dear one.”
- Priya – this pretty Sanskrit name means “beloved.”
- Priyanka – this exotic Hindu name means “lovable, sweet, and lovely eyes.”
- Promise – this Old English word derives from the Latin “promissum,” meaning “vow or pledge.”
- Prosper – derived from the Latin word “prosperus,” meaning “successful and fortunate.”
- Providence – an English name loved by the Puritans, meaning “divine protection and care.”
- Prudence – this medieval form of the Latin “prudentia” means “good judgment.”
- Prudy – a mixture of Old French and English, derived from “pour Dieu,” meaning “for God.”
- Prue – a short form of Prudence with the same meaning.
- Prunella – such a cute name for the Latin for plum, meaning “little dried plum.”
- Psalm – derived from the Old English “sealm,” referring to a “song sung to harp music.”
- Pura – a short and snappy Spanish name for someone living a “pure life.”
- Purity – another Old English “virtue” name meaning “unsullied and clean.”