Fun, fabulous, and fearless are just some of the positive adjectives associated with last names that start with F. Ever since the Phoenicians invented the letter, the Greeks and Romans have influenced its development into its modern geometric shape and distinctive sound.
Let’s take a closer look at the sixth letter of the alphabet in more detail as we discover as many fascinating last names starting with F.
412 Significant Surnames Starting With F
From Fortescue to Fernando, F surnames have it all.
- Faaborg – a Danish habitational name meaning “fox” and “fortified hill.”
- Faatz – this German occupational name means “barrel maker” or “barrel cooper.”
- Fabbri – a trendy Italian surname derived from the Latin “faber,” meaning “blacksmith” and “craftsman.”
- Faber – is the Latin name for a “blacksmith” or “metal worker.”
- Fabian – an English form of the Roman “fabius,” meaning “one who grows beans.”
- Fabozzi – this Italian patronymic name has an uncertain meaning – possibly “son of Fabo.”
- Fabregas – is a classic Catalan name meaning “forge.”
- Fabricant – an Eastern Jewish name derived from the Russian “fabrikant,” meaning “factory owner” or “manufacturer.”
- Facciolo – a shortened version of the Italian name Bonifacio, meaning “auspicious” and “fortunate.”
- Fackelman – is a Middle German occupational name for a “torch man.”
- Facundo – of Spanish and Portuguese origin, meaning “eloquent” and “talkative.”
- Fadley – derived from the Old English name Fadda, meaning “Fadda’s woodland clearing.”
- Fagan – this Norman/Irish name derives from the Latin “paganus,” meaning “rural” or “rustic.”
- Fagerland – a Norwegian name describing “a beautiful piece of land or farmstead.”
- Faglie – derived from the Old English “feg” and “leye,” meaning “coarse grass pasture.”
- Fagnani – a habitational Italian name for anyone “from Fagnano.”
- Fagundes – a patronymic Portuguese name describing a “talkative” of “eloquent” person.”
- Fahey – of Irish and Gaelic origin, meaning “descendant of Fathadh.”
- Fahlstrom – this Swedish habitational name means “flat land near a river.”
- Fahringer – a German habitational name describing a resident of “Fahring” in Bavaria.
- Faile – means “son of Paul’s servant” in Manx and “for sale” or “retailer” in German.
- Fain – a French surname derived from the Latin “fanum,” meaning “temple.”
- Fair – means “capable” in Old Norse and “fair and beautiful” in German.
- Fairbanks – this classic Old English name means “lovely bank or hill.”
- Fairburn – is of Anglo-Saxon origin, meaning “beautiful stream.”
- Fairchild – this Old English family name describes a “fair or beautiful child.”
- Faircloth – this Old English habitational name describes a “dweller in a pretty hollow.”
- Fairclough – an English habitational name meaning “beautiful narrow valley” or “ravine.”
- Fairfax – of English and Scottish origin, meaning “fair hair.”
- Fairfield – this English place name describes a “beautiful field” or “open countryside.”
- Fairhead – a Middle English name for someone with “light hair or fair skin.”
- Fairhurst – a classic English surname meaning “beautiful wooded hill.”
- Faison – a cute French nickname derived from “fais,” meaning “bundle of firewood.”
- Fajardo – this topographical Spanish name means “dweller by a beech tree.”
- Falco – an occupational Catalan name for a “falconer.”
- Falcon – of Spanish and Italian descent, meaning “one who raises falcons.”
- Falcone – possibly an Italian nickname for some with features resembling a bird.
- Falconer – of Old French origin, meaning a “trainer or keeper of falcons.”
- Falkenberg – a habitational German name describing a “falcon mountain or hill.”
- Falkowitz – of German and Slavic origins, meaning “falcon.”
- Fallon – a 6-letter unisex Irish name meaning “superior” or “descended from a ruler.”
- Falls – means “fall or tree felling” in Middle/Old English and “tree felling” and “forest clearing” in Norse.
- Falstad – a Norwegian name for one of two farmsteads in Trønelag.
- Falvey – this pleasant Irish/Gaelic name means “lively, pleasant,” and “sprightly.”
- Fan – in Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese, it means “fence” and “hedge.”
- Fang – another Chinese surname – means “square” or “four-sided.”
- Fangmeier – a North German name for a “tenant farmer who owned two pieces of land.”
- Fanning – of Irish origin, meaning “descendant of Fionnán.”
- Faraday – this Irish name means “descendant of Fearadach.”
- Farage – an Irish family name meaning “son of Fergus.”
- Farias – of Portuguese and Spanish origin, meaning “beacon” and “lighthouse.”
- Faris – derived from a personal Arabic name meaning “horseman” and “knight.”
- Farley – an English habitational name meaning “fern woodland clearing.”
- Farlow – a topographical English name describing a “fern hill.”
- Farmer – originally, this English name described “collectors of taxes and tithes.”
- Farnell – similar to Farlow, this Old English name describes several places in England.
- Farnham – a small town in Buckinghamshire, England – means “fern homestead or enclosure.”
- Farnsley – keeping with the Old English “fern” names – means “fern woodland clearing.”
- Farnsworth – an Old English habitational name for “settlers where ferns are abundant.”
- Faro – a cool Italian and Greek name meaning “lighthouse.”
- Farooq – this Arabic name refers to “one who distinguishes between right and wrong.”
- Farquharson – of Scottish and Gaelic origin, meaning “man, beloved,” and “son of Farquhar.”
- Farr – is derived from the Old English “fearr,” meaning “steer” and “ox.”
- Farragher – comes from the Gaelic “fearchar,” meaning “man” and “deer.”
- Farrant – derived from the Old French “ferrant,” meaning “iron-gray.”
- Farrar – an Old English name derived from the Latin “ferrarius,” meaning “blacksmith” or “ironworker.”
- Farrell – an Irish family name meaning “man of valor” and “descendant of Fearghail.”
- Farrenkopf – this High German name is a nickname for a “clumsy person.”
- Farringer – a variation of the German Fahringer, describing an “inhabitant of Fahring” in Bavaria.
- Farrington – a habitational name of Old English origin, meaning “fern settlement.”
- Farris – inspired by the Gaelic Fearghus, meaning “masculine strength.”
- Farrow – of early medieval English and French origin, meaning “blacksmith“ and “ironworker.”
- Farruggia – our first Maltese entry – means “young cockerel or rooster.”
- Farstad – a Norwegian habitational name for a “homestead” or “farmstead.”
- Farthing – with Old Norse and English roots meaning “ship,” “passage,” or “warrior, nobleman.”
- Farwell – derived from the Middle English “fare wel,” meaning “to do well” and “prosper.”
- Farwick – a German habitational name for a place in the Oldenburg province.
- Fassbender – an Old German occupational name for a “cooper” (barrel maker).
- Fassel – the perfect German name for a rotund person – means “cask or barrel.”
- Fassnacht – of German and Swiss origin, meaning “shrove Tuesday” and “fast eve.”
- Fasoula – this Germanic name comes from the “reaping hook,” a harvesting tool.
- Fatta – this cute Italian name means “well-made.”
- Fatzinger – this German nickname describes “a joker” and means “to tease.”
- Faubert – a French name derived from ancient German, meaning “falcon” and “bright and famous.”
- Faulk – means “folk” or “people” in German and “falcon” in Anglo-Norman/French.
- Faulkenberry – derived from the Dutch/German Falkenberg, meaning “falcon” and “mountain/hill.”
- Faulkner – this Middle English name means “a keeper or trainer of falcons.”
- Fauntleroy – from the French phrase “enfant le roi,” meaning “son of the king.”
- Faust – derived from the Latin “faustus,” meaning “fortunate” and “lucky.”
- Favaro – some names beginning with F are occupational – means “bean grower or seller” in Italian.
- Favela – a Spanish nickname for a “slum” or “shantytown.”
- Favreau – this sophisticated French name means “bean grower or seller.”
- Fawcett – an Old English name describing a “multi-colored hillside.”
- Fawkes – derived from the Norman/French Falco, meaning “falcon.”
- Fawley – a habitational English name meaning “fallow” and “plowed land” or “woodland clearing.”
- Fay – taken from the Latin “fata,” meaning “fate, destiny,” and “fairy.”
- Fazenbaker – this South German occupational name means “baker.”
- Fazio – a derivative of the Spanish/Portuguese, and Italian personal name Bonifacio, meaning “fortunate.”
- Fazzari – an Italian-sounding Arabic name meaning “invincible.”
- Feagan – this Gaelic/Irish name derives from the Latin “paganus,” meaning “villager” or “peasant.”
- Feagley – of German and Swiss-German origin, meaning “birdcatcher” or “bird-like features.”
- Fearnow – a habitational name for the town of Viernau in Germany.
- Fearon – from the Old French “ferron,” meaning “blacksmith” and “ironworker.”
- Fears – derived from the Old English “fēra,” meaning “proud” or “haughty person.”
- Featherly – possibly derived from the Middle English occupation of “feather trader.”
- Featherstone – an Old English name meaning “(place at) the four stones.”
- Fedderson – of North German and Danish origin, meaning “son of Fedder.”
- Federer – a Swiss-German name meaning “trader in quills made from feathers.”
- Federici – an Italian name derived from Federico, meaning “peaceful ruler.”
- Federico – means the same as Federico; this Italian name is typically shortened to Fedo or Fede.
- Federoff – this habitational Ukrainian name describes several villages named Fedorovka.
- Feeney – of Irish origin, meaning “descendant of Fidhne.”
- Fegley – a Swiss/German nickname for someone with “bird features” or “a bird-catcher.”
- Fehring – this German name refers to a “coin” and a “quarter of a weight.”
- Feinman – a Jewish variant of Fein, meaning “elegant” and “fine man.”
- Feldbauer – this German name means “peasant working in open countryside.”
- Feldberg – a classic 8-letter German name meaning “field” and “mountain or hill.”
- Felder – of Swiss and German origin, meaning “area of open countryside” and “field.”
- Feldhaus – this German habitational name is easy to decipher – means “field house” or farmhouse.”
- Feldman – keeping with the German “field” theme – means “field man.”
- Feldon – an English family name meaning “from the field estate.”
- Feliciano – the perfect Italian name for “happy” and “lucky” kids.
- Felix – a traditional Latin name meaning “happy” and “fortunate.”
- Felkins – this Old English name means “settlement of the followers of a man called Felica.”
- Feller – of English, German, and Jewish origin describing a “furrier” (seller of pelts and hides).
- Fellows – derived from the Middle English “felaue,” meaning “partner, co-worker,” and “companion.”
- Feltham – is of Old English descent, meaning “open countryside” and “settlement or homestead.”
- Feltmann – this German occupational name describes “a worker in the field.”
- Felton – a habitational medieval English name meaning “from the town by the field.”
- Fender – an English and Scottish nickname meaning “defender” and “protector.”
- Fenderson – is a variant of the Scottish Henderson, meaning “son of Henry.”
- Fendler – this Old German occupational name describes a “juggler” or “clown.”
- Fendrick – an alternative to the German Fenrich, meaning “standard bearer.”
- Feng – a distinctive Chinese name meaning “sharp blade, summit,” and “wind.”
- Fenn – a cool habitational Old English name meaning “marsh dweller.”
- Fennell – this occupational English name describes a “grower or seller of fennel.”
- Fenner – many last names starting with F are topographical – means “dweller by a marsh or fen.”
- Fennimore – derived from the Old French “fin” and “amour,” meaning “fine/splendid love.”
- Fenstermaker -this German/Jewish name means “window-maker.”
- Fenton – of Scottish, Irish, and English origin, meaning “fen or marsh town.”
- Fenwick – this most English-sounding name means “village on the marsh” and “from fenland.”
- Ferby – derived from the Old Norse “fegroar-byr,” meaning “beautiful farm.”
- Ferdinand – a cool Germanic surname meaning “bold voyager.”
- Ferdman – this Jewish occupational name means “coachman.”
- Ferebee – taken from the Old Norse “ferja,” meaning “ferry” and “farmstead.”
- Ferguson – of Scottish, Irish, and Gaelic origin, meaning “son of Fergus or the angry one.”
- Fernandez – a popular Spanish last name meaning “son of Fernando.”
- Fernando – this Spanish/Portuguese variant of the German Ferdinand means “adventurer.”
- Ferrand – this unusual 7-letter French name means “gray-haired.”
- Ferranti – this Italian name derives from the Latin “ferrum,” meaning “iron gray.”
- Ferrari – a common Italian name meaning “blacksmith.”
- Ferraro – from the Old Italian “fabbro,” meaning “ironworker” and “blacksmith.”
- Ferreira – of Spanish and Portuguese origin, meaning “dweller by the forge or iron works.”
- Ferrell – this classic 7-letter Irish name means “descendant of Fearghal” and “hero” or “man of courage.”
- Ferrer – this French surname derives from the Latin “ferrarius,” meaning “ironworker” or “blacksmith.”
- Ferrera – keeping with the “blacksmith” theme, meaning “dweller near a forge” in Spanish.
- Ferrero – a tasty chocolate and the Spanish name for a “blacksmith.”
- Ferringo – derived from the Italian adjective “ferrigno,” meaning “resembling iron.”
- Ferris – is of Irish and Gaelic descent, meaning “of iron.”
- Ferry – an English occupational name for a “ferryman” or a “dweller near a ferry crossing.”
- Ferryman – this Middle English name describes “someone who operates a ferry.”
- Fetner – an altered version of the German Fettner, meaning “a timber worker.”
- Fetterley – a German name describing a “secondary male relative,” like a cousin.
- Fetters – derived from the Anglo-French “faitour,” meaning “imposter” and “cheat.”
- Feuling – of German descent, describing a “salesman.”
- Fevold – this Norwegian name means “livestock” and “meadow grassy field.”
- Ficarra – means “glorious” in Arabic and “field of figs” in Italian.
- Fidel – is derived from the Latin “fidelis,” meaning “faithful.”
- Fiedler – an occupational German name for a “fiddle player.”
- Fielder – this Middle English name describes a “dweller by the open countryside.”
- Fieldhouse – a habitational English name meaning “dweller in an isolated house surrounded by fields.”
- Fielding – derived from the Old English “feld,” meaning “pasture” or “open country.”
- Fieldman – a Middle English occupational name for a “worker or dweller in an open field.”
- Fields – this topographical 6-letter English name means “arable flat open field.”
- Fier – a 4-letter Albanian name meaning “fern.”
- Fierro – a cool Spanish and Italian name meaning “iron.”
- Figaro – an Italian occupational name meaning “barber.”
- Figgins – of French, Scottish, and English descent, meaning “son of Vig.”
- Figueroa – is derived from the Spanish “figueira,” meaning “fig tree.”
- Filer – this 5-letter occupational English name means “a file-maker” or “one who files.”
- Filbeck – probably a habitational name for Fell Beck in England.
- Filbert – a positive German name meaning “much brightness.”
- Filipowski – this Polish habitational name refers to various places called Filipowice.
- Fillinger – a German name first used in the 9th-century – means “people or followers of.”
- Fillmore – an Old English surname meaning “very famous.”
- Filsinger – a habitational German name for a “dweller of Filzingen.”
- Filtz – another German occupational name – means “maker or seller of felt.”
- Finau – possibly of Tongan or Fijian origin, meaning “argument.”
- Finberg – this Swedish name means “fine” or “Finnish mountain.”
- Fincannon – an Irish derivative of Concannon, meaning “fair or white-haired.”
- Finch – a gender-neutral English name describing a “catcher or seller of finches and small birds.”
- Fincham – an Old English habitational name meaning “finch homestead.”
- Fincher – an uncommon English name for a “trainer and seller of finches.”
- Finchley – dating from the 13th-century, this Old English name means “finch” and “woodland clearing.”
- Findley – of Irish and Scottish origin, meaning “fair hero.”
- Fine – with Old French and English roots – means “fine, pleasant,” and “honorable.”
- Fineberg – a classic German surname describing a “fine mountain or hill.”
- Finegan – a stereotypical Irish name meaning “descendant of the fair-haired.”
- Fingall – this Irish, Gaelic, and German name means “fair” and “from Finland.”
- Finizio – with ancient Greek roots, this unusual name means “purplish-red.”
- Fink – with German, Danish, and Jewish links – means “a lively and cheerful person.”
- Finkelman – this popular Yiddish name means “sparkle” and “man.”
- Finkelstein – a descriptive Jewish surname meaning “sparkling stone.”
- Finlayson – derived from the Gaelic Fionnlagh, meaning “fair hero” and “blond warrior.”
- Finley – of Irish, Scottish, and Gaelic origin, meaning “courageous one” and “fair hero.”
- Finn – sticking with the Gaelic theme – means “fair” and “blessed.”
- Finnegan – this Irish patronymic name means “son of the fair-haired.”
- Finnemore – from the Old French “fin” and “amour,” meaning “fine love.”
- Finney – derived from Old Norse and English, meaning “coarse grass” and “enclosure.”
- Finsbury – originally called Vinisbir, meaning “manor of a man called Finn.”
- Fiore – a beautiful 5-letter Italian name meaning “flower.”
- Fioretti – is an Italian form of “fiore,” meaning “blossoming flower.”
- Firestone – this German and English name means “fire stone” and refers to “flint.”
- Firkins – an English occupational name for “a barrel maker or beer seller.”
- Firth – a classic Scottish name meaning “estuary” or “arm of the sea.”
- Fischbeck – a Northern German variant of Fischbach, meaning “someone living by a stream.”
- Fish – of Old English origin, meaning “fisherman.”
- Fisher – this English name derives from “fischere” and means “one who catches or sells fish.”
- Fishwick – a habitational Old English name meaning “fish building.”
- Fisk – with Old Norse and English roots, meaning “fish.”
- Fitchel – a German topographic name for someone “dwelling near pine trees.”
- Fittipaldi – an Italian patronymic name meaning “son of Tipaldo.”
- Fitz – this French/Norman name means “son of.”
- Fitzgerald – the first of the “son of” names – means “son of Gerald (the spear-ruler).”
- Fitzgibbon – this 11th-century French name means “son of Gibb or Gibbon.”
- Fitzharris – Fitz names are popular in Ireland – means “son of Harry.”
- Fitzhenry – a French name meaning “son of Henry.”
- Fitzhugh – you’ve guessed it – means “son of Hugh” or “son of intelligence”
- Fitzmorris – sometimes spelled Fitzmaurice – means “son of Morris.”
- Fitzpatrick – this Irish name means “son of Patrick” and “son of a nobleman.”
- Fitzroy – with Old French and English roots – means “son of the king.”
- Fitzsimmons – a common Irish and English name of French descent, meaning “son of Sigmund.”
- Fitzwilliam – a classic English/Irish/French name meaning “son of William.”
- Fixler – this Yiddish/Jewish name means “fox.”
- Fjelstad – a Norwegian name describing a “mountain rock” and “farmstead dwelling.”
- Flack – a Middle English occupational name for a “turf-cutter.”
- Flagel – the perfect French name for musical people – means “flute or whistle-player.”
- Flagg – this habitational English name describes a “turf, sod,” or “block of peat.”
- Flaherty – a beautiful 8-letter Irish name meaning “generous and hospitable.”
- Flammer – an occupational German name describing a “blacksmith.”
- Flanagan – is derived from the Irish “flann,” meaning “red or ruddy.”
- Flanders – a Middle English name describing “someone from Flanders.”
- Flansburg – another German habitational name describing “Flensburg” in Holstein.
- Flatley – an Irish surname meaning “descendant of the prince poet.”
- Flaugher – a Middle and High German name meaning “to swear.”
- Flavell – this Anglo-Norman French name means “rattle, clapper,” and “fan.”
- Flaxman – an occupational English name for a “grower, seller, or weaver of flax cloth.”
- Flechsig – the perfect German name for someone with “flaxen hair or beard.”
- Fleck – with links to Old Norse and English – means “hurdle” or “maker of hurdles.”
- Fleckenstein – an occupational German name describing the action of “breaking stone.”
- Flecker – of Middle and High German origin, meaning “place” and “spot.”
- Fledderman – another German habitational name for “someone from Vledder.”
- Fleetwood – this descriptive Old English name means “woods with a stream.”
- Fleming – of Old English and French origin, meaning “man from Flanders.”
- Fletcher – derived from the French word for arrow “fleche,” this British name means “arrow-maker.”
- Flick – from the Latin “felicitas,” meaning “happiness” in Old English.
- Flickner – originates from the Old German “flikkere,” meaning “dancer.”
- Flint – of Old English descent, describing a “person born near a rocky outcrop or flint.”
- Flockhart – is derived from the Old English Folcard, meaning “brave, hardy” and “people’s army.”
- Flood – a topographical Middle English name meaning “channel” or “gutter.”
- Flora – this pretty Italian/Latin name means “flower.”
- Florence – the famous Italian city – means “flourishing, prosperous,” and “blooming.”
- Florentino – of Latin origin, meaning “flower” and “blossom.”
- Florez – this Spanish name means “lord” and “master.”
- Flowers – a 13th-century Middle English nickname meaning “flower” and “blossom.”
- Floyd – such a trendy Welsh name meaning “gray-haired.”
- Fluck – a Swiss and German name describing “a bright or lively person.”
- Flynn – an Irish name meaning “descendant of Flann” and “red or ruddy.”
- Fodor – this unusual Hungarian name refers to a “person with curly hair.”
- Fogarty – of Irish origin, meaning “descendant of Fogartach.”
- Fogle – derived from the Middle German “vogel,” meaning “bird.”
- Fogler – this German occupational name derives from Vogler and means “bird-catcher.”
- Foley – a classic Irish name meaning “plunderer.”
- Folsom – this rare English surname derives from Foulsham in Kent.
- Fong – a popular Cantonese/Chinese name meaning “square, upright,” and “honest.”
- Fonseca – this Spanish name derives from the Latin “fons sicca,” meaning “dry well.”
- Fontaine – of French origin, meaning “fountain, spring,” and “water-source.”
- Fontana – this Italian and Spanish name means “spring, well,” and “fountain.”
- Fontenot – is an Old French variation of Fontaine, meaning “spring” and “fountain.”
- Foote – a features-based Old English name describing someone “with a deformed foot.”
- Forbes – is of Scottish origin, meaning “field.”
- Forbush – a Scottish topographical name for a “dweller near a wood.”
- Ford – a popular Old English family name meaning “river crossing” and “dweller at the ford.”
- Fordham – an Old English name meaning “settlement by the ford.”
- Fordice – a geographical Scottish name describing a place near Banff.
- Foreman – this Middle English surname means “leader” or “spokesman.”
- Forker – a Middle English variant of the Scottish Farquhar, meaning “a fork to throw hay.”
- Formby – a common Scandinavian name meaning “village belonging to Forni.”
- Formosa – this Latin and Spanish name means “beautiful.”
- Forrest – first introduced by the Normans, meaning “of the woods or forest.”
- Forsberg – a Swedish topographical name meaning “waterfall” and “hill.”
- Forsgren – another Swedish topographical name meaning “rapids, waterfall,” and “branch.”
- Forshaw – a family name derived from a lost place in Rainford Lancashire.
- Forslund – this Swedish name means “rapids, waterfall,” and “grove.”
- Forster – a German surname denoting a “forest” and “dweller near the forest.”
- Forsythe – derived from the Gaelic Fearsithe, meaning “man of peace.”
- Forte – from the Latin “fortis,” meaning “strong” and “brave.”
- Fortenberry – taken from the Old English and French “fortin,” meaning “stronghold” and “fortified place.”
- Fortescue – first introduced after the Norman conquests, this classic French name means “strong warrior.”
- Fortier – an occupational Old French name for someone “employed at a castle or fortress.”
- Fortin – this French surname means “strong and brave.”
- Fortner – an occupational German name describing a “gatekeeper” or a “doorkeeper.”
- Forton – this Old English family name means “ford settlement or enclosure.”
- Fortstrom – of Swedish origin, meaning “rapids, waterfall,” and “river.”
- Fortune – is of Latin roots, meaning “good luck” and “fate.”
- Forwood – derived from the Old English “for” and “weard,” meaning “person tending hogs.”
- Fosburg – this Swedish name means “mountain/hill” and “waterfall.”
- Foskett – taken from the Anglo-Saxon Fosca, meaning “waterfall.”
- Foss – this cute nature-inspired Danish name means “fox.”
- Foster – a cool gender-neutral English name meaning “woodsman.”
- Fothergill – this English and Scottish surname means “further river.”
- Fotheringham – a classic Scottish family name meaning “house that supplies food.”
- Fountain – a topographical Old English name for a “dweller near a spring or well.”
- Fouracre – from the Old English “fower aker,” meaning “owner of a smallholding of four acres.”
- Fournier – an Old French occupational name for a “baker.”
- Foust – derived from the German “vust,” meaning “one who is strong and robust.”
- Fowler – an occupational English and Scottish surname meaning “bird-catcher.”
- Fox – an Old English nickname for a “sly or cunning person.”
- Foxworthy – this Old English surname means “enclosure of a man called Folc.”
- Foy – means “faith” in Scottish, English, and German and “hunter” in Irish.
- Fradkin – of Jewish and Belarussian origin, meaning “joy.”
- Fradley – this Old English surname means “Frōd’s open woodland.”
- Fragoso – a Spanish and Portuguese family name meaning “rocky” and “uneven.”
- Fraiser – of Scottish and French descent, meaning “men of the forest.”
- Fraley – means “friar” in English and “happy and cheerful” in German.
- Frame – this Scottish and English name means “effective” and “beneficial.”
- Frampton – a habitational English name possibly meaning “fair enclosure or settlement.”
- France – derived from the Latin Francia, meaning “land of the Franks.”
- Francillo – this cool derivative of the Latin Franciscus means “Frenchman.”
- Francis – keeping with the Latin/French theme – means “Frenchman” and “free man.”
- Francisco – this Italian version of Francis means “free man.”
- Franco – derived from the Latin Francis, this name is associated with the Spanish dictator.
- Francois – this elegant French name means “Frenchman.”
- Frank – is of German origin, meaning “free.”
- Frankel – this German/Jewish name describes an “inhabitant of Franconia.”
- Frankenberry – is an altered version of the German Frankenberger, meaning “mountain of the Franks.”
- Frankenstein – this famous Gothic name means “stone of the Franks.”
- Franklin – a common English name meaning “landowner, but not of noble birth.”
- Frankowski – a habitational Polish name for any of the places called Franki.
- Franson – this Swedish patronymic name means “son of Frans.”
- Frantz – with Danish and German roots, this name means “Frenchman” and “free man.”
- Frausto – a Portuguese and Hispanic name meaning “fortune” and “good luck.”
- Frawley – this Irish and Gaelic name means “man of valor.”
- Frazier – of Scottish and French origin, meaning “of the forest men” and “strawberry.”
- Fredenberg – this Swedish place name means “peace mountain or hill.”
- Frederick – a Germanic family name meaning “peaceful ruler.”
- Frederickson – this Swedish patronymic name means “son of Frederick.”
- Free – a Middle English name describing a “free man” and “one freed from servitude.”
- Freed – of German and Latin roots, meaning “free, peace,” and “woodland.”
- Freedberg – a German surname describing a “secure or peaceful mountain.”
- Freedman – this Old English name describes a “free man” and “one freed from servitude.”
- Freehling – of German/Jewish origin, meaning “spring.”
- Freeland – an Old English name for “a holder of land without rent or service.”
- Freelove – formed from the Middle English Frelof, meaning “peace” and “survivor.”
- Freeman – the great Morgan Freeman – means “free-born man.”
- Freiberg – this German surname means “independent mountain or hill.”
- Freiling – is of Middle German origin, describing a “freed man.”
- French – derived from the Old English “frencisc,” meaning “from France” or “Frankish.”
- Freund – comes from the Middle German “vriunt,” meaning “friend.”
- Friar – this 13th-century English name means “brother.”
- Frias – derived from the Spanish and Portuguese adjective “frio,” meaning “cold.”
- Frick – from the Old French “frique,” meaning “lively, brisk,” and “vigorous.”
- Fricker – of Middle English origin, meaning “to move briskly or nimbly.”
- Friedman – a classic 8-letter Germanic surname meaning “peace” and “man.”
- Friedrich – this powerful German name means “peaceful ruler.”
- Friend – an Old English nickname for a “companionable person.”
- Fries – a habitational Dutch, German, and Swedish name for “someone from Friesland.”
- Friesen – of Germanic and Nordic origin, meaning “to dig ditches.”
- Friesinger – a South German habitational name for someone “from Freising.”
- Frink – this Anglo-Saxon name refers to a “free or generous person.”
- Fritz – is derived from Friederick, meaning “peaceful ruler” in German.
- Fritzel – of German origin, describing a “peaceful ruler.”
- Fritzinger – from the German Freidrich, meaning “ward of peace.”
- Fritzler – keeping with the German names – means “peaceful ruler.”
- Frizzel – this Irish/English name is of French origin and means “lace and ribbon.”
- Froggatt – this Old English name means “frog cottage.”
- Fry – a 3-letter Middle English name meaning “free.”
- Fryberger – this unusual German name means “free mountain.”
- Fryer – of Middle English origin, meaning “seedling” and “offspring.”
- Fuchs – a nature-inspired German name meaning “fox.”
- Fuentes – one of many Spanish F last names – means “fountain.”
- Fugate – means “fugitive” in French and possibly “a seller or maker of bundles.”
- Fugler – of Germanic origins, meaning “people” and “army.”
- Fujikawa – not many last names that start with F are Japanese – means “wisteria river.”
- Fujimoto – a pretty Japanese name for someone who “lives beneath a wisteria.”
- Fujita – another Japanese name – means “wisteria” and “rice paddy.”
- Fulbright – of Old Germanic roots, meaning “very bright.”
- Fullenkamp – this Middle German name means “rotten, stinking field.”
- Fullerton – an Irish and Scottish family name meaning “settlement of bird-catchers.”
- Fullwood – a cute Old English name meaning “muddy or dirty wood.”
- Fulmer – this 6-letter Old English name derives from “fugol” and “mere,” meaning “bird lake.”
- Fulton – of Scottish and English origin, meaning “settlement of the fowl.”
- Fultz – this variation of the Dutch Volks means “people” or “folk.”
- Funderburk – derived from the German von der Burg, meaning “from the castle.”
- Fung – this popular Chinese name means “abundant, fertile, plump,” and “great.”
- Funk – from the Middle German “vunke,” meaning “spark, lively,” and “blacksmith.”
- Fuqua – derived from Franco-Germanic and means “guardian folk.”
- Furch – this noble Spanish surname has an uncertain meaning.
- Furlow – an Old English name possibly meaning “absent from the field.”
- Furman – a unique German occupational name describing a “waggoner.”
- Furness – this English topographical name describes a “rump or headland.”
- Furnish – a variation of Furness – also means “nose.”
- Furr – this occupational Old English name means “maker or seller of fur garments.”
- Furrow – an Old English name for a “long, narrow cut in the ground.”
- Furukawa – a popular Japanese surname meaning “old river.”
- Furuta – a descriptive Japanese name describing an “old rice paddy.”
- Furuya – one of a handful of Japanese entries – means “old valley” and “old room.”
- Fusco – this Italian nickname is reserved for “someone with dark hair.”
- Fussel – an Old English heraldic name from the French “fuisil,” meaning “spindle.”
- Fyfe – a good nature-inspired Scottish name meaning “wolf.”
- Fyfield – this Anglo-Saxon name refers to “five hides” (a measurement of land).
- Fyler – some surnames starting with F are occupational – means “to file” in Middle English.