101 Girl Names That Start With U: Unique & Unforgettable

These spectacular girl names that start with U are so understated and unique you’ll be completely amazed!

It’s undeniable that girl names that start with U are among the rarest, with this unusual letter being the most uncommon vowel initial in the alphabet.

However, this isn’t to say that U names for girls can’t be charming and spectacular! In fact, we believe the opposite and have provided a list of the most unique and unforgettable girl names with U to truly captivate and inspire.

Keep reading to learn all about these upbeat female names that start with U from around the globe, including all their unique meanings, origins, and more.

101 Unique Girl Names That Start With U

The most unforgettable girl names with U, designed for unstoppable ladies.

  1. Uberta – would look great on any “bright, smart” lady.
  2. Ubirajara – a spectacular Brazilian Tupi name, meaning “lord of the spear.”
  3. Ubol – a variant of Ubon, meaning “lotus” in Thai.
  4. Ubon – this delicate Thai female name relates to the pretty “lotus flower.”
  5. Udana – meaning “summer,” this Basque name connotes sunshine and fun.
  6. Udele – this English name carries all the blessings of “wealth” to those who bear it.
  7. Udyati – “uplift” your daughter with this amazing Indian girl’s name, meaning “exalted, elevated.”
  8. Ugenia – meaning “well-born, noble,” this spelling variant comes from the Latin Eugenia.
  9. Uiara – a Brazilian variant of Iara, with the enchanting meaning of “lady of the water.”
  10. U’ilani – the prettiest Hawaiian U name for a “heavenly beauty.”
  11. Uinise – an impressive foreign form of Eunice, meaning “victory.”
  12. Ulalia – a spelling alternative to the Greek Eulalia, meaning “well-spoken.”
  13. Ulalume – a surprisingly sorrowful name, meaning “wailing” in Latin.
  14. Ulani – the most “cheerful” of Hawaiian girl names with U.
  15. Uleema – meaning “wise, intelligent,” this Arabic U name is fit for scholars.
  16. Ulexite – an uncommon gemstone name after the silvery-white mineral stone.
  17. Uliana – an eye-catching Slavic form of Juliana, meaning “youthful.”
  18. Ulka – a short form of Ulrica with a stylish, sassy flair.
  19. Ulla – a fun Finnish nickname from other names containing that “ul” syllable.
  20. Ulli – another cute “ul” nickname with German roots.
  21. Ulrica – meaning “noble, wealthy ruler,” this U name is full of power and might.
  22. Ulrica – is also derived from the Anglo-Saxon Wulfric, meaning “leader of wolves.”
  23. Ulrika – a spelling alternative to Ulrica, incredibly regal in Sweden.
  24. Ulrikke – a Norwegian female variant of Ulrika, with that same “regal” meaning.
  25. Ultana – a unique girl name for a baby born in the north Irish region of Ulster.
  26. Ulva – meaning “wolf” with Norse and German origins; Ulva will have you howling at the moon!
  27. Ulvhild – this Viking name combines wild elements meaning “wolf” and “battle.”
  28. Ulviye – a Turkish female name that’s “exalted” and “high.”
  29. Ulwazi – a smart pick among African (Zulu) girl names that start with U, meaning “knowledge.”
  30. Ulyana – a unique spelling variant of Uliana, with the same “youthful” meaning.
  31. Ulyssa – a feminine form of the presidential Ulysses, with the alarming meaning of “wrathful.”
  32. Uma – meaning “light, splendor, tranquility,” this famous Hindu U name is dazzling.
  33. Umama – a gorgeously affectionate Arabic name meaning “little mother.”
  34. Umay – a womanly name inspired by a goddess of fertility and protection in Turkish mythology.
  35. Umayma – a longer alternative to the Arabic Umama, meaning “little mother.”
  36. Umber – a cool alternative to Amber, describing a black-burnt shade of brown.
  37. Umbra – this captivating name relates to the darkest part of the moon’s shadow during an eclipse.
  38. Umbria – after the Italian region, a perfect middle name for girls if you have a heritage in that area.
  39. Umeko – sweet and floral, this Japanese girl’s name would sound perfect for a “plum blossom child.”
  40. Umnaya – this Russian name is designed for an “intelligent” girl who uses creativity to seek opportunity.
  41. Umnia – this Arabic first name is full of “longing and desire.”
  42. Una – from the Irish Oonagh, this cute, 3-letter name means “lamb.”
  43. Una – separately, this Old Norse name may mean “one” or hold the uplifting meaning of “happy.”
  44. Unagh – means “lamb,” as a spelling alternative to Oonagh with 5 letters.
  45. Unakite – a type of gemstone believed to hold powerful energies.
  46. Undine – a captivating name from mythology, meaning “little wave” in Latin.
  47. Unella – a rare pick among Game of Thrones U names for girls.
  48. Unice – a spelling variant of the vintage name Eunice, meaning “good victory.”
  49. Unique – a marvelous name for a girl who isn’t afraid to stand out from the crowd.
  50. Uniss – an even rarer variant of Eunice, meaning “good victory.”
  51. Unity – this special word name promotes equality and oneness for all.
  52. Unku – inspired by a character from German literature, with a cute, friendly sound.
  53. Uoc – meaning “wishes,” a dreamy yet unusual pick among names for girls that start with U.
  54. Upasana – a devout Sanskrit name meaning “worship.”
  55. Urania – a “heavenly” name inspired by a Greek goddess.
  56. Urbana – a modern, trendy pick for a city-dwelling fashionista.
  57. Urd – after a Norse goddess of destiny, this name inspires “fate.”
  58. Urena – a dazzling Hebrew girl’s name, meaning “brightness.”
  59. Urena – also means “demon,” as a spelling variant of the Spanish Yurena.
  60. Urgell – this gender-neutral name was inspired by a county in Catalonia, Spain.
  61. Uria – is pretty and pious, meaning “God is my light.”
  62. Uriella – meaning “God’s light,” this Hebrew name is gorgeously spiritual.
  63. Urit – she’ll gleam and glow with this Hebrew name, meaning “bright.”
  64. Uriyella – a cute spelling variant of Uriella, for a “light of God.”
  65. Urma – has various meanings internationally, including “date fruit.”
  66. Urmi – meaning “wave,” this Sanskrit name is fit for a mermaid.
  67. Urmika – means “wave,” for the cutest little Hindi girl.
  68. Urrea means “gold” in Basque, perfect if you adore sparkling women’s names that start with U.
  69. Ursa – a starry “bear” name inspired by the constellations in the night sky.
  70. Ursala – switching vowels in Ursula gives this unique option for a “little bear.”
  71. Ursella – this Ursula alternative shines from that sassy, feminine second syllable.
  72. Ursina – a pretty “bear” name for a starry lady.
  73. Ursinia – a floral pick among female names that start with U, after the daisy-like flower.
  74. Urška – a cute and funky European nickname for Urszula.
  75. Ursula – cute and cuddly, this Latin girl’s name means “little bear.”
  76. Ursule – is a sophisticated French form of Ursula.
  77. Ursuline – this rare variant of Ursula sounds very feminine and frilly.
  78. Urszula – a snappy Polish form of Ursula, with that same animal-inspired meaning.
  79. Urvashi – after a nymph in Hindu mythology, for a girl able to “control the heart of others.”
  80. Urwen – perhaps a variant of the “fresh, white” family surname, Irwen.
  81. Uschi – the cutest among Ursula nicknames, from German.
  82. Usha – meaning “dawn,” this perfect Sanskrit name is full of new beginnings.
  83. Ushas – same as Usha, this Hindu name belonged to a heavenly dawn goddess.
  84. Ushi – this international girl’s name refers to an “ox,” great for a kid born in that zodiac year.
  85. Usko – this unisex Finnish name is pure and lovely with its virtuous meaning of “faith.”
  86. Usoa – the most peaceful of Basque girl names with U, meaning “dove.”
  87. Ustinya – a cool Russian form of Justine, for a “fair, just” lady.
  88. Út – for the youngest member in your family, this Vietnamese name means “last.”
  89. Uta – this Germanic girl’s name may be short, but it’s full of “wealth” and “power.”
  90. Utah – a rare American state name, fit for a girl “of the mountains.”
  91. Utari – a form of Uttara, with the homely meaning of “north.”
  92. Ute – a variation of Uta, with one tiny vowel change.
  93. Utica – a unique name for fans of classic studies, after an ancient Phoenician colony.
  94. Utopia – the dreamiest of baby names with the most idyllic future ahead.
  95. Uttara – a gender-neutral Sanskrit name for a child “from the north.”
  96. Uva – means “grape” in Spanish; perhaps perfect for wine-loving parents?
  97. Uvelia – a unique variant of the “helpful” literary name Ophelia.
  98. Uvite – a rare gemstone name after the mineral fluor-uvite.
  99. Uxue – another Basque name meaning “dove” for beautiful angels.
  100. Uyanga – a rhythmic Mongolian name meaning “harmony, music.”
  101. Uzoma – a radiant, unisex Igbo name for one destined to follow a “good path.”

U Names for Girls FAQs

What Are Some Unisex Names That Start with U?

International, unisex names that start with U include Usko, Uzoma, and Uttara. Cute place names such as Utah, Urgell, and Umbria are also great unisex options.

Headshot of Madeleine Lily Webb

About the Author

Madeleine Lily Webb

Madeleine is a writer from somewhere near Manchester, England. Madeleine's background in languages and linguistics has led to baby names becoming one of her favorite topics to write about. When she's not fallen down a rabbit hole of stories behind unique names, Madeleine can be found hanging out with her cat, taking photos of flowers, or dancing.