100 Unique Brazilian Boy Names: With Meanings

Edited by Honey Name
With hundreds of potential choices, Brazilian culture offers some fantastic name options for your little boys

Brazilian boy names provide a great starting point if you’re looking for unusual yet beautiful baby names. Brazilian names have a lot in common with popular Portuguese names, but there are some unique and indigenous names.

With their smooth pronunciations and sweet meanings, how can you pick only one Brazilian name? Fortunately, we’re here to help you to choose a melodic and beautiful name for your little boy that simply rolls off the tongue.

Whether you have a connection to Brazil, love the culture, or travel to Brazil is on your bucket list, we’ve compiled the top 100 Brazilian male names.

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100 Unique Brazilian Boy Names

Brazilian names for boys often provide a unique take on classic and familiar names in English-speaking countries. Here we’ll help you to find an excellent name choice for your new son.


Afonso is the Portuguese or Brazilian form of Alonzo. With its meaning of ready to be noble, it is a lovely name to inspire your son to be kind, courteous, independent and confident. These are all traits of nobility, and with the name Afonso, your son will be poised to be the best possible man he can be.

  • Origin: Portuguese
  • Meaning: Ready to be noble
  • Pronunciation: Ah-fon-soh


Alexandre is the Brazilian or Portuguese form of Alexander in Scottish or the Spanish Alejandro. Alexandre is a wonderful name for strong guys. You could inspire your son to be a climate change warrior or a defender of human rights. At the very least, by naming your son Alexandre, you could encourage your son to stand up for those who are weaker than him in any situation.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Defender of mankind
  • Pronunciation:Al-ex-an-dre


Although Andre is one of the most common Brazilian boy names, there is some controversy about its origins. Since Andre is common in France, to many people it is a French boy name. However, Andre does have Portuguese roots. While Andre has the meaning of brave, it is a Portuguese form of Andrew, so you could also consider those meanings of manly and strong. These are all admirable characteristics for your son as a boy and man.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Brave
  • Pronunciation: Ahn-dray


Antonio is a Brazilian form of Anthony. Anthony and Antonio are common names around the world, particularly in countries of the Catholic faith. Saint Anthony is the supreme carer of the poor and sick. Whether you want to connect your son to your religious beliefs, want to inspire him to grow up to be a caring man, or simply want a unique form of Anthony, Antonio is a great choice.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Worthy of praise
  • Pronunciation: An-tone-eeo


Augusto is the perfect name to express how precious your new son is to you. However, since the Latin roots for Augusto are similar to the month of August, it is also a great Brazilian boy name for summer babies.

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Sacred
  • Pronunciation: Au-gust-oh


Benicio is a wonderful name with a beautiful sentiment of a blessed, good man. While Benicio is a popular name in Brazil, it has become more common in English-speaking countries due to Oscar-winning actor Benicio del Toro, who has been in a variety of roles from the MCU and Star Wars to the acclaimed Sicario.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: A blessed, good man
  • Pronunciation: Ben-ee-cee-oh
  • Namesakes: Oscar-winning actor Benicio del Toro.


Bento is a native Brazilian boy name, but it is a form of Benedito. These and other variants, including Benedict, are derived from the Latin Benedictus. In all its forms, Bento means blessed, which is a wonderful sentiment. While all children are a blessing, naming your son Bento will allow you to express how delighted you are at becoming parents and showcase that your son is also blessed.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Blessed
  • Pronunciation: Ben-toh


The name Bernardo may be cute, but it also has a powerful meaning. Naming your son Bernardo could inspire your son to have the strength to face all the challenges of the modern world and whatever hurdles he encounters throughout his lifetime. Bears are also highly protective, using their immense strength to protect their cubs. This is a fantastic sentiment to raise a caring and strong man.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Strong as a bear
  • Pronunciation:ber-NAHR-do


Bruno is the masculine form of Bruna, but both names have the same meaning. While brown may seem like a strange name meaning, it may invoke a sense of being tanned and healthy. This makes Bruno a fun and cute name for your new son.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Brown
  • Pronunciation: Brun-oh
  • Namesakes: American singer Bruno Mars.


Unlike many Brazilian names which are also common in Portuguese, Caio has a more indigenous vibe. Caio is a common name, particularly in Southern and Southeastern regions. This is likely due to the higher levels of Italian immigration. Caio could be derived from Caius, of which the most famous is Caius Julius Caesar.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Happy
  • Pronunciation:k AA – y oo
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Carlos is a common name in Brazil, Portugal, and Spain. Carlos is a version of Charles or the Italian Carlo. While the name Carlos has a lovely meaning, it is also a good way to have a more unusual form of the regal name Charles. So, if you want a timeless name with an unusual spin, Carlos could be a good choice.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Free man
  • Pronunciation: Car-loss


Cristiano is a Brazilian and Portuguese form of names such as Christian, Christer, and Christopher. All of these variants have a similar meaning of a follower of Christ. This makes Cristiano a wonderful way to connect your new son with your religious beliefs or have a more unique form of the more common Christopher.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Follower of Christ
  • Pronunciation: Cris-tee-ano
  • Namesakes: Portuguese soccer forward Cristiano Ronaldo.


While it may be easy to assume that Damião is the Brazilian form of Damian, the two names have very different meanings. Naming your son Damião could inspire him to strive to be the best. Whether it is physical challenges such as athletics or sport, or academics, inspiring your son to be a winner could set him up for his entire life.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Winner
  • Pronunciation:day-mee-OH


Danilo is the Brazilian form of Daniel and both forms have the same meaning. Daniel is a prominent figure in the Bible, as a prophet and interpreter of dreams. If you want to connect your new son to your religious beliefs, encourage him not to bow to the pressure and judgment of others, or simply want a more unique form of Daniel, Danilo is a great option.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: God is my judge
  • Pronunciation: Dan-eel-oh


Davi is the Brazilian form of David and both names share the meaning beloved. Naming your son Davi is a sweet way to express how precious he is and surround him with love and care. Davi is a more unusual name compared to the common David, particularly outside of Portuguese-speaking countries.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Beloved
  • Pronunciation: Dav-ee


If you want to inspire your son to cherish wisdom and be the voice of reason, Diego is a fantastic name choice. With the meaning of one who advises, Diego could encourage your son to take a measured approach to life and keep his peers grounded.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: One who advises
  • Pronunciation: Dee-eh-go
  • Variations: Diogo


While Edgar has its origins in English with the meaning of fortunate and powerful, it has become one of the popular Brazilian boy names. This is a strong name that could inspire your son to protect himself and others against the harsh challenges in today’s modern world.

  • Origin: English
  • Meaning: One who protects his wealth with a spear
  • Pronunciation: Ed-garr


Eduardo is the Brazilian form of Edward. Edward has a similar meaning to Eduardo, but in old English, it also meant guardian. Either of these meanings could provide great inspiration for your son as a boy and a man. Of course, as with Edward, you could use the nicknames Ed or Eddie if you want your son to have a pet name.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Protector
  • Pronunciation: Ed- war-doh


Elias is another form of Elijah, which is a significant figure in the Bible. Elijah challenged kings and was a devout follower of God. In fact, as a reward for his devotion, during a time of famine, Elijah had a barrel of oil and flour that never ran out. Naming your son Elias is not only a way to connect him with your religious beliefs but a way to inspire him to be a strong and devoted man who is rewarded for his dedication.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: God is my Lord
  • Pronunciation:ee-LIE-uhs


Emanuel is a Biblical boy name that is wonderful to connect your son with your religious beliefs. With its meaning of God is with us, naming your son Emanuel can connect him with your religious beliefs and showcase that he is surrounded by love and grace. You can also use the cute nickname Manny for your little one.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: God is with us
  • Pronunciation: Ee-man-you-el
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Enzo is a common name in Portuguese-speaking countries and other areas of the world, such as Italy. However, the name meanings can vary slightly depending on the country. As a Brazilian male name, it means winner. Naming your son Enzo could provide excellent grounding to inspire him to be a champion. Whether in academics, performance, or athletics, the name Enzo could set your son on track to be a winner.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Winner
  • Pronunciation: Enn-zoh


Estevão is a very regal name that is perfect for a little prince. Estevão is the Brazilian or Portuguese form of Steven, but both names have a similar meaning. Steven has other meanings including renown, reward, and honor. These are all admirable traits for men and boys. So, whether you want to encourage your son to have honor or simply want a less common form of Steven, Estevão is a great name choice.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Crown
  • Pronunciation:es-te-vao


Felipe is the Brazilian and Portuguese form of Phillip, with both names having the same meaning. Whether you’re a keen rider or want a name with regal connotations, Felipe is a great choice. There have been plenty of royal family members called Phillip including Phillip of France and Phillip of Spain. So, if you like the name Phillip but want your son to have a name with a more unique spelling, consider Felipe.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Friend of horses
  • Pronunciation:fe-LEE-pe


Fernando is a strong name with a powerful meaning. Naming your son Fernando could inspire him to be both fearless and continually seeking peace. Fernando also has strong links to Catholicism, as there have been a number of popes and leaders called Fernando. If you’re a keen ABBA fan, the name Fernando will make you smile.

  • Origin: Portuguese and Spanish
  • Meaning: Fearless to achieve peace
  • Pronunciation: Ferr-nan-doh


Francisco is a common name in Portuguese and Spanish-speaking countries, but its origins are in ancient Latin. The name Francisco appears throughout European history. However, it also is associated with a cool vibe, since the arty city of San Francisco shares the name.

  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: Free man
  • Pronunciation: Fran-sis-co


Gabriel has Hebrew origins but due to its Christian and Catholic context, it is a fairly common name in Portuguese-speaking countries. The archangel Gabriel was God’s messenger visiting Mary to tell her she would bear God’s son. So, if you’re looking for a powerful name that connects your son with your religious beliefs, Gabriel is an excellent name choice.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: God has given me strength
  • Pronunciation: GAY-bree-uhl
  • Namesakes: American comedian Gabriel Iglesias and Irish actor Gabriel Byrne.


The name Gael has Celtic connections with the meaning from Ireland, but as a Brazilian name, it has a lovely meaning of beautiful and generous. These are wonderful traits, which could inspire your son to have a beautiful and generous personality and spirit.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Beautiful and generous
  • Pronunciation: Gay-ell


The typical man has a continually evolving role in life, but one constant for men of good character is the determined protection of their loved ones. If you want to inspire this strong character trait in your son, Guilherme is a solid choice.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Determined protector
  • Pronunciation:Guil-herme


Gustavo is the Brazilian and Portuguese form of Gustaaf and Gustav, which are more common in other areas of the world. While many of us believe that babies are protected by a higher force, by naming your son Gustavo, you can embrace him into your religious beliefs and showcase that he is protected by God. You can also use the cute nicknames of Gus or Tav.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Protected by God
  • Pronunciation: Gus-ta-vo


Heitor is the Brazilian form of Hector, but as a Brazilian boy’s name, it has a slightly different meaning. Hector played an important role in Greek legends. Hector was the steadfast Trojan commander and brother of Paris, who fought the demigod Achilles. Naming your child Heitor could inspire him to protect his loved ones and anyone who is weaker than himself.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: One who protects
  • Pronunciation: HH-AHT-ER
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A new baby can bring light and warmth into your home and family. If you want to express this sentiment, the name Helio is a beautiful choice. Naming your son Helio can allow you to showcase that your new son is a bright light in your life and encourage him to be a warm and loving personality.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Sun
  • Pronunciation:hee-lee-oh


If you imagine your son to have a passionate and fiery personality, the name Inacio is a perfect choice. Whether you, as parents, have a fiery temperament or you want to inspire your son to be passionate about things in his life, Inacio is one of the best Brazilian names for boys.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Fiery
  • Pronunciation: En-ace-eo


Many parents feel that their new baby is an answer to a prayer, but the name Ismael will allow you to express this. Naming your son Ismael can not only connect him with your religious beliefs but also reassure him that God will listen and hear his prayers.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: God will hear
  • Pronunciation: IS-may-ehl


While Ivan may be a common name in many areas of the world, as a Brazilian boy name, Ivan has spiritual connotations. Naming your son Ivan will show him that you believe that God is gracious and he will be surrounded by love and grace throughout his lifetime.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: God is gracious
  • Pronunciation: eye-van


While it would be easy to assume that Joaquim is a variant of Joaquin, the names have different meanings. Joaquim is a Brazilian name with the meaning made by God. This makes Joaquim a perfect name for your little miracle, connecting him to your religious beliefs and showcasing that for you he is a blessing from God.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Made by God
  • Pronunciation: Wha-keem


Jorge is the Brazilian form of George, but the pronunciations are very different. Jorge is a wonderful name choice if you want to showcase your connection to nature. With the simple meaning of farmer, by naming your son Jorge you could inspire him to connect to the earth, nurturing, feeding his family, and sustaining others.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Farmer
  • Pronunciation: Hor-hey


Jose is the Portuguese and Spanish form of Joseph. Due to the strong Catholic presence in these countries, it is a common name choice. Joseph was a key figure in the Bible as Jesus’ stepfather, but the name Jose also has a strong spiritual meaning. Naming your son Jose can show him that God will support the positive effects he makes in life, increasing the seeds that he sows.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: God Increases
  • Pronunciation: Ho-say
  • Namesakes: Baseball Hall of Famer Jose Canseco.


Juan is a popular name choice in Portuguese and Spanish-speaking countries. With the meaning graced by God, Juan showcases the love and grace your son has from God. This is a wonderful way to celebrate your little miracle and inspire him to remain true to his faith.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Graced by God
  • Pronunciation: Hu-wan
  • Variations: João


Julio, like the feminine Julie or the more traditionally English Julian, is derived from Jupiter. Jupiter was the Roman God of the sky, which was significant for renewal every day. Julio is an excellent name if you want to inspire your son to stay young at heart and not feel jaded with the world.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Youthful
  • Pronunciation: Who-lee-oh


Kaique is an indigenous Brazilian name with a sweet meaning. If you want a unique and cute name, Kaique is a perfect choice. These birds are native to South America and are not only bright and colorful, but they have an outgoing and playful nature. These are all lovely traits to inspire in your son.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Water bird
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Whatever your aspirations for your son, whether you want him to be an academic or athlete, a successful businessman or generous philanthropist, one common trait is likely to be kindness. This makes the name Kaue a perfect choice. With its simple meaning, you can inspire your son to grow into a kind man.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Kind man


Lions are regarded as kings of the jungle for good reason. They are associated with strength, power, and bravery. Naming your son is a fantastic way to inspire your son to share these admirable traits. If your wish is to have your son carry the courage of a lion, Leandro is an excellent name choice.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Lion of men
  • Pronunciation: Lee-an-dro


Leonardo is another lion-related name, but the meaning is slightly different. However, you can inspire those traits of courage, bravery, and strength by naming your son Leonardo. Like the Hollywood favorite DiCaprio, you can also use the cute nickname Leo.

  • Origin: Portuguese
  • Meaning: Brave as a lion
  • Pronunciation: Lee-oh-nar-do
  • Namesakes: Renaissance artist, engineer, and scientist Leonardo da Vinci and Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio.


While it is more commonly used as a surname in areas around the world, Lourenço is an interesting first name in Brazil and other Portuguese-speaking countries. The root of this name can be traced back to ancient Rome. It comes from Laurentum, which is considered the original Italian capital, which makes it a city with historical significance.

  • Origin: Roman
  • Meaning: From Laurentum
  • Pronunciation:Low-rain-co


Luan is an unusual name as it appears in various cultures around the globe with some very different meanings. In Albanian, Luan means lion, while in Gaelic it means warrior and in Vietnamese it means justice. All of these are admirable traits, but in Brazilian or Portuguese Luan means moon. The moon is symbolic of nature showing the passing of seasons and as a driving force, which means Luan is a very powerful name.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Moon
  • Pronunciation: Loo-ahn


Lucio is the masculine form of Lucia and both are derived from the Latin lux, meaning light. Naming your new son Lucio is a fantastic way to highlight how he is a bright and shining light into your lives, bringing happiness and joy to any darkness.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Light
  • Pronunciation: LUW-Siy-ow


Luiz is the Brazilian form of Lewis or Louis. Luiz is an ideal name for little fighters and you could encourage him to become a famous warrior. Whether you imagine your son tackling injustice, fighting for the environment, or just being a powerful warrior in the boardroom, Luiz is a great name choice. Naming your son Luiz could be a superb way to imbue him with a fighting spirit to help him to tackle the challenges of life.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Famous warrior
  • Pronunciation: Loo-eez


The name Manuel is derived from the Latin Immanuel, meaning God is with us. For this reason, Manuel is a common name in many Portuguese-speaking countries and areas. Naming your son Manuel is a wonderful way to surround your son with God’s blessing and love, connecting him with your spiritual beliefs.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: God is with us
  • Pronunciation: Man-hwell


The name Marcus actually has two meanings, but both carry a very strong sentiment. Whether you imagine your son as a defender of the earth, freedoms, or other people or picture him exploring the seas and oceans, naming him Marcus will provide him with a solid foundation in life.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Defense or of the seas
  • Pronunciation: Mar-kos
  • Variations: Marcelo, Marcio


Matheus is the Portuguese and Brazilian form of Matthew. Matthew is a significant figure in the Bible, but the name also has a beautiful meaning. While all new babies are a blessing, you can express this sentiment by naming your son Matheus. With its meaning of gift of God, Matheus acknowledges how blessed you feel with your little boy.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Gift of God
  • Pronunciation: Mat-eh-us
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Miguel is the Brazilian and Portuguese form of Michael. Michael is a significant figure in the Bible. As an archangel, he was known as God’s warrior who led the heavenly host to effect God’s providence. Naming your son Miguel can not only connect him with your spiritual beliefs, but help him to build a strong and dependable character.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: God like
  • Pronunciation: Mig-hwell


While the meaning “small wall” may make the name Murilo seem a little strange, walls are a symbol of protection. Naming your son Murilo could carry a significance of protection, shelter, and strength, which are all very admirable men’s traits that are also important in little guys.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Small wall
  • Pronunciation:m-oo-R-EE-l-oh


While there are Brazilian boy names that have very powerful and inspirational meanings, you shouldn’t overlook the simplicity of names like Naamã. Naming your son Naamã could inspire him to always strive to be courteous, considerate, and caring not only for his family and friends but everyone around him.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Pleasant
  • Pronunciation:Naa-aa-Maa


Nelson is a fairly common surname in various areas of the world, but as a first name, it has a very powerful meaning. Naming your son Nelson could inspire him to follow in your footsteps and work to become a champion of his chosen field.

  • Origin: Portuguese
  • Meaning: Son of a champion
  • Pronunciation: Nell-son
  • Variations: Nilson
  • Namesakes: Political leader Nelson Mandela.


Neto literally translates into grandson in Brazilian Portuguese. While it is typically used for boys with the same name as their grandfather, it can be a way to pay tribute to his grandfather. Perhaps if your father or father-in-law has an old-fashioned male name or it is inappropriate for your little one, Neto could be a viable alternative.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Grandson
  • Pronunciation: NEH-Tow


Naming your son Norberto could be a fantastic way to inspire him to seek acclaim. With the meaning of a famous man from the north, the name Nortbero could encourage your son to strive for success. Of course, you can also use the cute nickname Berto as a pet name.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Famous man from the north
  • Pronunciation: Nor-berr-toh


Nicolau is the Portuguese form of Nicolas, but both names have a similar meaning. If you like the name Nicolas, but want a more unique form, or want to inspire your son to be a strong leader, Nicolau is a great choice. As with Nicolas, you can also use the nicknames, Nick or Nicky, for pet names.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: One who leads people to victory
  • Pronunciation: Niy-Kow-LOW


Octávio is the masculine form of Octavia and it simply refers to the eighth. In modern families, it is unusual to have eight or more children, so the name Octávio has fallen out of favor. However, if the number eight has particular significance to you, as a lucky number, or special date Octávio could be a good name choice.

  • Origin: Portuguese
  • Meaning: Eighth son
  • Pronunciation: Oc-tave-ee-oh


While you may have lots of aspirations and dreams for your new son, one common wish is for your son to have a long and happy life. You can express this sentiment with the name Omar. For this reason, the name Omar is popular in various areas of the world, including within the Brazilian American communities.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: One who has a long life
  • Pronunciation: Oh-marr


Orlando is a wonderful name choice if you want to celebrate his place in the world. You could also name your son Orlando if you have memories or ties to the city in Florida.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Glorious land
  • Pronunciation: Or-lann-doh
  • Namesakes: Hollywood actor Orlando Bloom.
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The name Oscar has significant spiritual connections. Oscar means spear of God, which is one of the Thirteen Artifacts. It is said to channel power and provide the power of foresight. Naming your son Oscar could connect him with your spiritual beliefs and inspire him to be a careful thinker who can plan and consider the future.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Spear of God
  • Pronunciation: Os-carr
  • Namesakes: Writer Oscar Wilde.


Osvaldo is a beautifully powerful name that could connect your son with your religious or spiritual beliefs. With the meaning of God’s power, the name Osvaldo may have more significance for you. Perhaps, your new son is your own personal miracle or you just want to share the wonder of God with your little one.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: God’s power
  • Pronunciation: Oss-val-do


Otto is a popular name in a number of areas in the world, including Germany, but it is also considered a Brazilian male name. If you want to inspire your son to become settled and financially comfortable, Otto is a great name choice.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Prosperity and wealth
  • Pronunciation: Ot-toh


Eagles typify some very admirable characteristics. They are tenacious, fearless high flyers, but they also have great vision. You can encourage these traits in your son with the name Paco. If you want to inspire your son to have honor, grace, determination, and courage, the eagle is an excellent symbol and a great grounding for his name.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Eagle
  • Pronunciation: Pah-coh


Easter is an important event in the Christian faith, particularly in Catholic communities. It is a time of renewal and celebration, which can provide a superb inspiration for your son’s name. Pascal can connect your son to Easter, as your favorite celebration or if his due date is in April, welcoming him into your religious community.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Child of Easter
  • Pronunciation: Pass-kahl
  • Variations: Pascoal


Paulo is the Portuguese Brazilian form of Paul, but it is also used in other areas of the world including Italy. While being humble is often overlooked as a positive trait, it is often associated with a generous spirit and likeability. So, if you want to inspire these traits in your son, the name Paulo is a great option, or it can be a nice alternative to the more common Paul.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Humble
  • Pronunciation: Pau-lo


Pedro is a common form of Peter and it means rock. While this may seem to be a strange sentiment for a name, Peter was Jesus’ rock, as he was one he could lean on. Naming your son Pedro could encourage him to be someone’s rock, providing support and always being there when he is needed, which makes it actually a very admirable quality.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Rock
  • Pronunciation: Ped-roe
  • Namesakes: The Mandalorian actor Pedro Pascal.


Rafael is one of the seven archangels presenting the prayers of the saints. As many prayers are for relief from suffering and sickness, the meaning of the name Rafael is very apt. Naming your son Rafael is a wonderful way to connect him to your beliefs or express your faith.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: God has healed
  • Pronunciation: Raff-ae-el


Raimundo is the Brazilian form of Raymond, but both names have similar meanings. With its meaning of wise protector, naming your son Raimundo could inspire him to be a good advisor and a caring man. As with Raymond, you can also use the nickname Ray as a pet name for your little Raimundo.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Wise protector
  • Pronunciation: Ray-mun-doh


A new baby is a ray of sunshine and you can express this with the name Ravi. Naming your son Ravi can highlight that he is a bright light in your home and lives. This is a beautiful name that will suit any little boy, but it can grow as he develops into a warm and loving man.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Sun
  • Pronunciation: Rah-vee
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Reginaldo is the Brazilian form of Reginald, but both names have similar meanings, but different pronunciations. Many people don’t long to be in the spotlight and would prefer to be the voice of reason in the background. You can express this with the name Reginaldo. By naming your son Reginaldo, you could inspire him to be wise and measured, but you could also use the cute nickname Reggie.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Ruler’s advisor
  • Pronunciation: Re-hin-al-doh


Renato is the masculine form of the more common Renata. It is a wonderful “R” name to express that your little one is an old soul. If you believe in reincarnation or want to connect your son with loved ones you’ve lost, the name Renato is a beautiful choice.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Reborn
  • Pronunciation: Ren-ah-toh


The name Renan could inspire your son to be a wonderful friend and partner. Whatever else he achieves in his life, if he can say that he is a great friend and partner, he is likely to lead a happy and fulfilled life. This is a fantastic aspiration to inspire your son.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Friend and partner
  • Pronunciation: Ree-nan


Ricardo is the Brazilian and Portuguese form of Richard. Throughout history, there have been a number of famous leaders and kings called Richard. Most notably King Richard of England or Richard the Lionheart. So, if you want your son to inspire and lead others, or want a more unusual form of Richard, Ricardo is a great name choice.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Brave ruler
  • Pronunciation: Ree-car-do


Roberto is an alternate form of Robert, which is used in Portuguese-speaking countries, Spain, Italy, and other countries around the world. This is a strong name that could inspire your son to strive for glory and acclaim.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Famous and glorious
  • Pronunciation: Ro-burr-toh


A connection to wolves may seem like a strange inspiration for your son’s name. However, wolves have some very admirable qualities. They are not only devoted to family, but also intelligent, caring, and playful. If you want to inspire these wonderful traits in your son, the name Rodolfo is a perfect choice.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Famous wolf
  • Pronunciation: Roe-dolf-oh


Roderigo is used as both a surname and first name. Roderigo could provide an inspired name choice if your wish for your son is to become a leader of men. Whether this is by developing future innovations or taking charge in the business world, Rodrigo could be an excellent name for him.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Famous ruler
  • Pronunciation: Rod-ree-go


While more famously known as a surname, as in soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo, Ronaldo can also be used as a first name. Ronaldo is an indigenous name that could inspire your son to be a ruler and a fair and just man. These are wonderful traits to encourage in your son and provide him with an unusual name.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Ruler of judgment
  • Pronunciation: Ron-al-doh


Rubens is a wonderful Brazilian boy name that has the simple meaning of red. Whether red is your favorite color or has some other significance for you, you could use this as inspiration for your son’s name. Red is also the color of passion and warmth, which are also excellent traits to encourage in your son.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Red
  • Pronunciation: Roo-ben-z


Salvador is quite a spiritual name with the simple meaning of savior. Although savior is often associated with Christianity, it can have different meanings for different people. By naming your son Salvador you could inspire him to be a savior for anyone who is in danger or difficulty, always striving to help the people around him.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Savior
  • Pronunciation: Sal-va-dor
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Samuel is an Old Testament prophet who is well regarded in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The name Samuel has a beautiful sentiment that God has heard. So, whether you want to surround your son with the grace of your faith or he is the answer to your prayers for a child, Samuel is a lovely name choice. Of course, you can use the nicknames Sam or Sammy as pet names.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: God has heard
  • Pronunciation: Sa-mew-el


Santiago is the Portuguese and Spanish version of Saint James. Saint James was one of the 12 Disciples. However, the name Santiago is famed in Portugal and Spain for the pilgrimage routes, the Camino de Santiago, which all end in Santiago de Compostela. Whether you want a more unique form of James, want to inspire him on a pilgrimage to travel the world, or just want to connect him to your religious beliefs, naming your son Santiago is a great choice.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Supplanter
  • Pronunciation: San-tee-ah-go


The name Saulo is a wonderful way to express how delighted you are to become parents to your son. With its beautiful meaning of one who was prayed for, you can highlight that your little one is the answer to your prayers and a blessing in your lives.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: One who was prayed for
  • Pronunciation: Sao-low


Sebastião is the Brazilian Portuguese form of Sebastian. Originally Sebastian referred to being from Sebaste, a town in what is now modern-day Turkey. However, Sebastian is also a Christian martyr and saint. For this reason, the name Sebastião is now considered to have a meaning of revered. This could inspire your little Seb to accomplish wonderful things, earning the respect and admiration of his peers.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Revered
  • Pronunciation:se-bas-tiao


As a modern man, your son will have a role that is continually changing and evolving. However, one constant trait that will ensure he is a good man is that of being a protector. By naming your son Sergio, you could inspire him to be a protector and guardian to his loved ones and those around him.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Guardian and protector
  • Pronunciation: Sur-gee-oh


Although the thought of being severe or even a little severe may seem like a bad thing, it could indicate the trait of intensity. By naming your son Severino, you could inspire him to be intense or as a fun way of showing him that it is okay to be a little severe.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: A little severe
  • Pronunciation: Sev-err-ee-no


Floral names are typically feminine, but using beautiful flowers as inspiration for your son’s name is possible with the name Thales. Thales has a beautiful meaning which may encourage your son to bloom into a strong, caring, and beautiful man.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Blossom
  • Pronunciation:they-leez


Although commonly used as a nickname for Theodore, Theo is actually a Brazilian boy name with a different meaning. By naming your son Theo, you could connect him with your religious beliefs and celebrate God. Of course, in English-speaking countries, you may run into issues where people assume your son’s given name is actually Theodore.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Supreme God
  • Pronunciation: Thee-oh


Tomás is the Brazilian form of Thomas. Thomas was one of the twelve disciples, which provides it with religious significance. However, Tomas also has the meaning of twin. This is a wonderful concept for a name if you’re expecting twins but are unsure about names for both boys. Tomás is a great choice if you want a more unique version of Thomas and like Thomas, it can also be shortened to Tom or Tommy as nicknames.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Twin
  • Pronunciation: Toe-mas


Teodoro is the Brazilian form of Theodore, which is different from the Brazilian male name Theo. Naming your son Teodoro is a beautiful choice if he is the answer to your prayers and you feel that your new baby is a gift from God. Teodoro is a lovely way to connect your new son to your faith and you can use the nickname Teo, as a pet name.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: God’s gift
  • Pronunciation: Tee-oh-dor-oh
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Ubirajara is an indigenous Brazilian name that is quite unique. By naming your son Ubirajara you could inspire him to be a strong and brave boy and man with a warrior spirit. While the name Ubirajara is a long name, you can shorten it to Ubi or Jara if you want a shorter nickname.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Lord of the spear
  • Pronunciation: Oo-bee-rah-har-ah


Valentim is a form of Valentine, which is more common as a surname. However, as a first name, Valentim could be a great choice with its meaning of healthy and strong. Whatever your dreams or aspirations for your new son, being healthy and strong are both qualities that any parent would wish for their son, as these will carry him through to manhood and beyond.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Healthy and Strong
  • Pronunciation:Valen-tim


Vicente is a form of Vincent, but both names have similar meanings of conquering and winning. This provides a wonderful sentiment for your son’s name. Naming him Vicente does not necessarily mean your son will be a military leader who conquers the world. Instead, it could inspire him to conquer challenges and overcome any obstacles he faces throughout his lifetime.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Conquering
  • Pronunciation:vee-cen-tee


Wine not only has significance in the Bible, but wine trading opened up philosophy and religion between cultures across Europe. While the meaning of winemaker may seem strange for a name, by naming your son Vinicus, you could encourage your son to be creative, cultured, and respected.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Winemaker
  • Pronunciation: Vin-ee-cus


Vitor is the Brazilian Portuguese form of Victor, but both names have similar meanings. By naming your son Vitor, you could inspire your son to always strive to win at anything he attempts. Whether this is athletics, academics, or even in business, encouraging your son to be a victor could inspire him to always aim to be his best.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Winner and victorious
  • Pronunciation: Vee-tor


Many people may be a little perplexed by the meaning of the name Yago. In the Bible and history, the heel is considered the weak point. In Greek myths, it is the Achilles heel that causes his downfall, while in the Bible Jacob is born holding his brother, Esau’s heel. This makes the meaning of holder of the heel a little clearer. By naming your son Yago, you could encourage him to be aware of his weaknesses and hold fast to them to avoid a downfall.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Holder of the heel
  • Pronunciation: Jah-goh


Yan is the Brazilian form of Jan or Han, but all variants have a similar meaning. By naming your son Yan, you could not only provide him with a unique name, but also surround him with God’s love and grace. This will not only embrace him into your faith and beliefs but also provide him with a daily reminder that whatever he does and wherever he goes, God’s grace is with him.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: God is gracious
  • Pronunciation: Yann


Yuri is a name that is popular in many cultures around the globe, including Russia and Japan. However, the meanings can vary significantly. As a Brazilian boy’s name, Yuri has the meaning of a small farmer. While this may seem like a strange inspiration for your son’s name, calling him Yuri could inspire him to nurture, grow, and connect with the land. As a small farmer, your son could not only feed his family but focus on growth and prosperity.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: Small farmer
  • Pronunciation: Yur-ee


Zacarias is a form of Zachary. Both names are derived from Zachariah, which is a prominent name in the Bible. Zachariah is not only the father of John the Baptist but also a priest and prophet. This makes the meaning of “remembered by God” to be very apt. Naming your son Zacarias could not only connect him with your religious beliefs but also ensure that he continually feels the love and grace of God.

  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: Remembered by God
  • Pronunciation: Za-ka-ry-as


The name Zenon features in many cultures around the world. In Greek, it is derived from Zeus and a Polish form of Zeno. However, as a Brazilian male name, Zenon has the meaning of the one who lives. This is a powerful sentiment that could encourage your son to live his life to the fullest. Naming your son Zenon may inspire him to live and strive to do his best at whatever he attempts.

  • Origin: Brazilian
  • Meaning: The one who lives
  • Pronunciation: Zee-non
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Brazilian Names FAQs

What is the Most Common Male Name In Brazil?

With its strong Catholic presence, many of the popular Brazilian boy names have some religious connection. The most common male name in Brazil is Jose, which is a Brazilian and Portuguese form of Joseph.

Joseph is Jesus’s father in the Bible and Mary’s husband. This makes him a key figure in the New Testament, but Joseph also features in the Old Testament.

Other common names in Brazil include Antonio, Francisco, Paulo, and Pedro, which are all Brazilian forms of saint’s names. While there are many popular male names in Brazil that have no religious connection, saints’ names remain very common.

Why are Brazilian Names Long?

Brazilian first names are not particularly long, but as in many Catholic countries, it is quite common for children to be given a number of middle names.

While having a first, middle, and surname is the norm in English-speaking countries, in Catholic countries, including Brazil, it is quite common for children to have three or four middle names.

Additionally, some families choose to give the child both the surname for their father’s side of the family and the surname for the mother’s side of the family.

This means that the child may have six or seven names, but all the names are rarely used in everyday life.

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Honey Name

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