105 Girl Names That Start With E: Full of Elegance

These excellent and enticing girl names that start with E are worth exploring.

Names with vowel initials are always popular choices, but girl names that start with E are the show’s real stars!

You’ll no doubt already recognize many of these E names for girls, especially the most popular examples with their religious, celestial, and vibrant meanings. There are also many elusive and ethereal girl names with E to be enchanted by, so we hope you’ll enjoy exploring them with us below.

Keep reading to discover the most excellent names for girls that start with E, and prepare to be enlightened by all their eloquent meanings, origins, and more.

105 Elegant Girl Names That Start With E

These E names for girls will leave you feeling especially enchanted.

  1. Éabha – pronounced “AY-vah,” a unique Gaelic form of Ava, meaning “life.”
  2. Ebony – this rich English name represents the “dark, black” color of a tree’s bark.
  3. Ebrill – meaning “April” in Welsh, Ebrill could make a fun nod to your daughter’s birthdate and birthplace.
  4. Eden – a spectacular choice among biblical names for girls that start with E, meaning “place of pleasure.”
  5. Edie – a cute nickname, also with the badass, victorious Anglo-Saxon meaning of “prosperous in war.”
  6. Edith – bestow luck and virtue on your daughter by giving her this name, meaning “wealth.”
  7. Edmée – meaning “wealthy protector,” this French girl’s name comes from the same stem as the masculine Edmund.
  8. Edna – it sounds old-fashioned, but its meaning of “rejuvenation, pleasure” gives Edna eternal youthfulness.
  9. Edurne – an unusual girl name meaning “snow” for a chilled-out little girl.
  10. Edwina – an old, uppity name from Old English, humorously indicating a “wealthy friend.”
  11. Edyta – a Polish form of Edith with bite, also meaning “wealth, riches.”
  12. Efa – another Eve variant, this Welsh name is vibrant in its meaning of “life.”
  13. Effie – a rather trendy nickname from Elizabeth, or a Greek female name meaning “pleasant speech, well-spoken.”
  14. Efua – this awesome African name was designed for girls “born on a Friday.”
  15. Eiddwenn – we have “pure fondness” for this Welsh girl’s name, pronounced “aithe-wen.”
  16. Eileen – reminiscent of the song frequently played at weddings, this Irish name means “beautiful, radiant.”
  17. Eilidh – another standout Gaelic name, meaning “radiant,” pronounced “AH-lee.”
  18. Eilir – a colorful and unique pick among women’s names that start with E, meaning “butterfly” in Welsh.
  19. Eilish – popularized by pop star Billie, this Irish form of Elizabeth means “pledged to God.”
  20. Eilonwy – like the fictional princesses, this Welsh name may mean “deer” or “melody.
  21. Eimear – straight from Irish legend, this gorgeous Gaelic girl’s name means “swift.”
  22. Eira meaning “snow” in Welsh, perfect if you want the prettiest E names for girls born in winter.
  23. Eire – the original Irish name for Ireland, makes a gorgeous option if you have Irish heritage.
  24. Eireann – a longer, more elegant choice for a girl who’s “from Ireland.”
  25. Eiriol – a romantic variant of Eira, full of festive, fresh, white imagery.
  26. Eithne – a saintly Irish name with the unusual yet dainty meaning of “kernel, grain.”
  27. Ekaterina – a sassy Slavic form of the popular Katherine, meaning “pure.”
  28. Elaine – a vibrant yet perhaps middle-aged French name meaning “shining light.”
  29. Elara – a mythical Greek princess, a moon of Jupiter, and a badass name meaning “spear.”
  30. Elbereth – this Elizabeth alternative was created by Tolkien, meaning “star queen.”
  31. Eleanor – a vibrant choice among the most popular girl names that start with E, meaning “bright, shining one.”
  32. Elena – this radiant spelling variant of Eleanor is hugely popular internationally, especially in Hispanic countries.
  33. Elfa – rare yet sweet, this magical name is a feminine form of the elf name Alf.
  34. Elfriede – meaning “elf strength,” this name from the Middle Ages is small but mighty!
  35. Eli – this 3 letter, gender-neutral name from the Bible, means “high, ascent, elevate.”
  36. Eliana – a romantic and enticing Hebrew girl name with the religious meaning “God has answered.”
  37. Elin – a form of Ellen, also with the mischievous meaning of “nymph” in Welsh.
  38. Elise – a pretty branch of the Elizabeth root, for a gorgeous girl who’s “pledged to God.”
  39. Elisha – meaning “God is my salvation,” Elisha would be beautifully twinned with the masculine Elijah.
  40. Elisheva – a traditional Hebrew root of Elizabeth, meaning “pledged to God, God is my oath.”
  41. Eliza – a diminutive from Elizabeth, with a curious, adventurous feel.
  42. Elizabeth – regal, timeless, and ever-popular, this classic Hebrew E name for girls means “God is my oath.”
  43. Ella – any girl would feel special with this enchanting name, meaning “fairy goddess.”
  44. Elle – an ultra-feminine choice, as it’s a French pronoun meaning “she.”
  45. Ellen – a pretty variant of Helen, glowing brightly from its meaning of “shining light.”
  46. Ellie – a perky and popular nickname from various names with that cute “el” element.
  47. Elliott – commonly heard as a male name, this unisex Hebrew choice means “the Lord is my God.”
  48. Elma – meaning “helmet,” an appropriate choice if you’re looking for protective girl names with E.
  49. Eloá – this queenly Brazilian girl’s name is fit for a “goddess.”
  50. Élodie – sexy and sophisticated, this French name refers to “foreign riches.”
  51. Eloise – a dreamy name of French and English origins, meaning “healthy, whole.”
  52. Elora – this fantasy name sounds radiant and alluring, as a gorgeous alternative to Eleanor.
  53. Elsa – just like the iconic Disney ice queen, this magical name means “God is my oath.”
  54. Eluned – meaning “idol,” this saintly Welsh girl’s name sounds positively enlightening.
  55. Elyssa – or Elissa, both sassy and fresh diminutives from the Elizabeth stem.’
  56. Emanuela – noble and honest, this praiseworthy Hebrew name signifies that “God is with us.”
  57. Ember – fiery and hot, this modern word name would be great for a daughter who sparks joy.
  58. Emerald – a gem of a name, after the rich green birthstone of May.
  59. Emilia – a fun match between Emily and Amelia, meaning “rival,” from the Roman Aemilius.
  60. Emily – a popular and girly name with the industrious meaning of “to excel, rival.”
  61. Emma – a timeless classic among 4 letter names for girls, meaning “whole, universal.”
  62. Emmeline – an old lady variant of Emily, meaning “hardworking.”
  63. Emmerson – originally an Anglo-Saxon surname, this pick is popular among parents for little girls.
  64. Emmy – this cute Emma variant will turn heads, like the golden awards.
  65. Emory – or Emery, both gender-neutral names of Old German origin, radiating “brave, powerful, home strength.”
  66. Enara – a bird-inspired name after a swallow.
  67. Eneida – an uncommon choice of Brazilian E names for girls, meaning “praise” in Greek.
  68. Enfys – this vintage-sounding Welsh name has the effervescent meaning of “rainbow.”
  69. Enid – retro yet quirky, this Gaelic E name is full of “soul” and “spirit.”
  70. Enni – may sound dainty, but this badass Finnish name is for a “girl who fights with a sword!”
  71. Enola – is “alone” spelled backward, perhaps for a girl destined to be the opposite of solitary?
  72. Enya – a simplified spelling of the Irish Eithne, meaning “kernel, grain.”
  73. Enyo – the Greek goddess of war, makes a chaotic yet undeniably cool namesake for a kid!
  74. Eos – like the Greek goddess of dawn, this 3 letter name is sure to stand out.
  75. Eowyn – an alternative name created by Tolkien, weirdly meaning “horse lover.”
  76. Erika – or Erica, for a hardworking girl who fancies herself as an “eternal ruler!”
  77. Erin – this popular Gaelic name refers to “Ireland,” full of luck and happiness.
  78. Eris – a Greek goddess name, yet with the tragic meaning of “strife.”
  79. Ermentrude – this Germanic female name would suit a tough yet old-fashioned lady, full of “universal strength.”
  80. Esha – beautifully meaning “desire,” this Hindi girl’s name captures the perfection of a wished-for baby.
  81. Esmat – a unisex Quranic name with the regal meanings of “highness, mighty.”
  82. Esme – this French name everyone will “love” and “admire.”
  83. Esmeralda – a dazzling Spanish and Portuguese form of the vivid green name Emerald.
  84. Estella – an enchanting Dickensian name meaning “star.”
  85. Esteri – a pretty Esther alternative in Finnish, meaning “star.”
  86. Esther – meaning “star-like,” this celestial name comes from Persian origins.
  87. Estrella – another out-of-this-world choice among girl names with E, meaning “star” in Spanish.
  88. Estrid – a cool Viking variant of Astrid for a special girl who’s “divinely beautiful.”
  89. Etain – from Irish mythology, this legendary name is rich in “jealousy” and “passion.”
  90. Ethel – a very old-fashioned entry among female names that start with E, meaning “noble.”
  91. Etheldred – this medieval name is even more startling than Ethel, meaning “noble strength.”
  92. Étoile – is the dazzling French word for “star.”
  93. Eugenia – the feminine equivalent of the Greek-rooted male Eugene, for a “well-born, noble” little lady.
  94. Eulalia – a spectacular Greek name with the virtuous meaning of “well-spoken.”
  95. Eurddolen – this striking Welsh name means “golden ring,” created in the same vein as the Goldilocks fairytale.
  96. Eva – a popular 3 letter E name and a cute middle-ground between Eve and Ava.
  97. Evan – a unisex Welsh form of John commonly heard for boys, meaning “God is gracious.”
  98. Evana – also meaning “God is gracious,” and a pretty feminine take on the more masculine Evan.
  99. Evangeline – it’s only “good news” to be found here, with Evangelina another pretty alternative.
  100. Eve – meaning “life,” this biblical Hebrew name packs a punch.
  101. Evelyn – pronounced “ever-lin” or “eve-lin,” a beautiful pick for a “wished-for child.”
  102. Evena – a rare yet sweet Finnish girl’s name for a champion daughter, meaning “winner, victor.”
  103. Everly – meaning “boar” and “clearing,” other spellings of this name include Everleigh or Everlee.
  104. Evie – is a softer, more youthful-sounding twist on Eve.
  105. Evren – after a Turkish mythological dragon whose name means “universe” and makes a dazzling choice.

E Names for Girls FAQs

What Is the Most Popular E Girl Name?

Emily, Emma, Eve, and Elena are all highly popular picks among girl names that start with E. Elisheva is also one of the most commonly heard, thanks to its many variants, including Elizabeth, Elyssa, Elise, and Eliza.

What Is a Good Unisex E Name?

Gender-neutral names with E for babies include Elliott, Emory, Evan, and Eli, with Esmat as a charming international option.

Headshot of Madeleine Lily Webb

About the Author

Madeleine Lily Webb

Madeleine is a writer from somewhere near Manchester, England. Madeleine's background in languages and linguistics has led to baby names becoming one of her favorite topics to write about. When she's not fallen down a rabbit hole of stories behind unique names, Madeleine can be found hanging out with her cat, taking photos of flowers, or dancing.